Conference Planning Subcommittee Accomplishments over the past year SciTech 2015 13 IS Sessions (56 Papers, 2 Invited Panels) 4 IS Sessions with 18 papers Improvement from 3 sessions in 2013 & 2 in 2012 IS Roadmap Workshop 2014 Goal of 50 attendees, 52 registered 3 Break-out topics: Autonomy, UAS into NAS, Adaptive & Non-deterministic systems Challenges/Observations Confusion with SciTech Organization Improve paper quality – SciTech 2016 require 5 page (minimum) abstract Decreased AIAA budget – small registration fee at Workshop to bring in TC funds What are your goals for next year? Successful SciTech 2016 Deputy Program Chair: Kevin Kochersberger Intelligent Systems Technical Discipline Chair: Nisar Ahmed IS Workshop NASA Ames, Mountain View, CA Dates: August 6-7, 2015 (Thu-Fri) TC meeting: August 5, 2015 (Wed 2:00 pm) David Casbeer (Chair) Nisar Ahmed (Co-chair) Adnan Yucel Sam Adhikari Ella Atkins Mark Balas Fernando Figueroa Kristin Rozier Corey Schumacher Rafal Kicinger Elad Kivelevitch Kevin Kochersberger Amanda Lampton Natasha Neogi Nhan Nguyen Eric Rozier Julie Shah Paul Zetocha Current Subcommittee Members
Room requestedInfotech sessions for ISG Mon AM (6 papers) Mon PM (7 papers) Tue AM (6 papers) Tue PM (7 papers) Wed AM (6 papers) Wed PM (7 papers) Thu AM (6 papers) Thu PM (7 papers)Fri AM (6 papers) Osceola 3 (seats 90) 1 IS-01, Intelligent Systems Special Session-Student Paper competition (5 papers) UMS-01, UAS Integration: Detect and Avoid Technologies (7 papers) IS-05, Panel (Ella) Autonomy Research for Civil Aviation: Toward a New Era of Flight DA-01, Digital Avionics (7->6 papers) IS-07, Intelligent Interactions between Humans and Machines (5 papers) IS-09, Panel (Kelly) Roadmap for Intelligent Systems IS-10, Big Data & Analytics in Aerospace (6 papers) IS-12, Enhancing Safety using Systems Health Management (7->6 papers) IS-13, Intelligent System Approach to Quad-copter Obstacle Avoidance (6 papers) Osceola 2 (seats 80) 2 IS-02, Augmenting Adaptive Algorithms for Aircraft Control I (6->5 papers) IS-03, Intelligent Collaboratiove Control of Multi-Agent Systems (7->5 papers) ICC-01 Information and Command and Control Systems (6- >5 papers) UMS-03 (was UMS-02), UAS Sensor Technologies (7->6 papers) IS-08, Model Based Systems and Software Engineering (MBSSE) for Complex Aerospace Systems (5->4 papers) UMS-05, Unmanned Systems: Technologies and Applications II (7 papers) SOF-01, Software Challenges for Aerospace Workshop (same room as SOF-02) (5 papers) SOF-02, Software Challenges for Aerospace Workshop (same room as SOF-01) (5 papers) CMS-01, High Performance and Embedded Computer Technologies for Aerospace (4 papers) Osceola 1 (seats 70) 3 SEN-01, Novel Sensor Systems (6->5 papers) IS-04 (was IS-11), Making Aerospace Operations Intelligent (7 papers) UMS-02 (was UMS-04), Unmanned Systems: Technologies and Applications I (6 papers) IS-06, Realizing the PotentiaL for Genetic Fuzzy Systems (6->5 papers) UMS-04 (was UMS-03), UAS Airspace Integration: Policies and Guidelines (6 papers) SEN-02, Information Fusion (6->5 papers) IS-11, Augmenting Adaptive Algorithms for Aircraft Control II (6->2 papers) 4 Scitech Integration Level Events (Outside of ISG allotment) Panel (Ashok) Big Data Analytics in Aerospace (350 or 600 person room requested) Mon, 5 Jan, 14:00-16:00, Osceola Ballroom B ISG Meet and Greet, 18:30- 20:00, Osceola Ballroom B Panel (Sanjay) NASA Research Plans for Assured Autonomy for Aviation Transformation (350 person room requested) Wed, 7 Jan 14:00-16:00, Osceola Ballroom B