ITIS 2110 Class #1
Today’s Notes Miscellaneous Labs Assignment First Day IT Infrastructure
CITPG Carolinas Information Technology Professionals Group ▪ Cross between an IT networking group and a service organization ▪ Meets 2 nd Tuesday every month ▪ 6 pm, off I77 on South Blvd Bonus points for attending a meeting and writing a short report
Woodward Hall 302 5 lab sections ▪ L01 ▪ Mon: 11:00-13:45 ▪ L02 ▪ Mon: 15:30-18:15 ▪ L03 ▪ Wed: 11:00-13:45 ▪ L04 ▪ Thu 18:30-21:15 ▪ L05 ▪ Fri: 11:00-13:45 Labs start Monday of next week!
Familiarize with lab equipment Introduction to Linux I
2110Assignments.htm 2110Assignments.htm Beginning MOODLE quiz ▪ Due 09/02/2015 at midnight ▪ Can retake up to due date ▪ Easy 10 points Infrastructure Paper ▪ Due 09/09/2015 ▪ Enter in Moodle
The due dates in Moodle may be wrong Always rely on the date in the Assignments or Labs from my Web pages Web dates always supercede any Moodle dates! Lab reports are always due your next lab
Tutoring is available for most CCI introductory courses Can make an appointment there
Opening question/poll Closes 1 minute after start of class Will be a simple sampling, a poll or a question over the last lecture ▪ Opening Samples and Polls: ▪ 1 pt for any answer ▪ 0 for not answered ▪ Opening Questions: ▪ 2 pt for correct ▪ 1 pt for incorrect ▪ 0 if not answered Typically will have questions through the lecture Polls for upcoming topic ▪ 1 pt for answering, 0 for not answering Questions on just covered material ▪ 1 pt for correct, 0 for incorrect or not answering Will count towards participation part of course grade
Today’s poll is a bonus point if you have your clicker Will start using next class – 08/31/2015 lecture Make sure your clicker software is up to date! Make sure your clicker is registered ▪ Even if registered last semester response-systems/clicker-updates response-systems/clicker-updates
A. I have used my clicker in other classes B. This is the first time I've used my clicker C. I do not have a clicker Side discussion: what is logically wrong with the above question? 30 sec countdown
First Day First Day Infrastructure Infrastructure