CLIENT EXPECTATIONS REGARDING RT – ONGOING SURVEY QUALITOOL Antra Damberga, Latvian Country Holidays Eurogites workshop-seminar “International Branding and marketing of rural tourism” , Brigg, North Lincolnshire, UK
PROJECT QUALITOOL Web based training Tool for RT quality consisting of: 1.Web based quality check for minimum RT accommodation quality criteria in Europe 2.Inspectors manual 3.Virtual training module, illustrating with pictures the minimum quality criteria Project partners: 1. Bulgarian Association for alternative tourism BAAT 2. Greek Network of Rural Accommodation European Federation of Farm and Village Tourism EUROGITES Andalusian Network of Rural Accommodation Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia, Agriculture and Forestry Institute Celje
CUSTOMER SURVEY ONLINE IN MAY What do you associate with RT? 2.Any previous experience of rural accommodation 3.Booking preferences 4.Source of information 5.Importance of branding, labelling 6.Recognition of logos 7.Value for money 8.What is important when planning holidays 9.What is important for the first impression 10.What is important during the stay 11.What is important after holidays
What do you associate with rural tourism ?
Booking preferences Scoring 1-5
Source of information ( Scoring 1-5)
Certification and labels
RECOGNITION OF LOGOS yes no have seen somewhere
Value for money
What is important choosing accommodation
What is important for the first impression
What is important after holidays
1. Associations with RTActive holidays/ farm holidays/ B&B 2. RespondentsAge years/ travelling with family/medium income level 3. Booking preferencesDirectly with the hosts/online 4. Source of informationPersonal experience, search on internet, recommendations by friends 5. Importance of branding, labellingOpinion or recommendations by previous clients 6. Recognition of logosWWF, Natura 2000, Euroflower, Eurogites 7. Value for moneyAttractive surroundings and location 8. Choosing accommodationAttractive nature or surrounding landscape, price level, complete and reliable information on the accommodation 9. What is important for the first impression Friendly and personal reception, precise description, accommodation well maintained 10. What is important after holidaysHappy memories, wishing to return, having a story to tell to friendsSummary
Results will be presented at the International rural tourism workshop in Riga, May 26, 2010
Latvian Country Tourism Association “Lauku Ceļotājs” Vilipa str , Riga, Latvia Tel.: , Fax: , Latvian Country Tourism Association “Lauku Ceļotājs” Vilipa str , Riga, Latvia Tel.: , Fax: , Thank you for your attention!