Male Plant Reproductive System Stamen Contains the anther and the filament
Male Plant Reproductive System Anther Produces Pollen
Male Plant Reproductive System Filament Supports the anther
Male Plant Reproductive System Pollen Male gamete (sperm)
Female Plant Reproductive System Pistil Female part of the flower
Female Plant Reproductive System Stigma Sticky, captures pollen
Female Plant Reproductive System Style Holds up the stigma
Female Plant Reproductive System Ovary Contains ovules (becomes the fruit)
Female Plant Reproductive System Ovules Female gametes (eggs)
Plant Reproduction Petals Attracts insects
Plant Reproduction Sepals Protects flower
Plant Reproduction Fruit Fertilized plant ovary
The Seed Seed Plant embryo
The Seed Cotyledon Provides nourishment
The Seed Seed Coat Protects the seed
The Seed Epicotyl Develops in the stems and leaves
The Seed Hypocotyl Develops into the roots