Symptoms The fungus causes both seed and seedling rot and drastically reduces plant stand. In moist soil, seeds may be attacked and killed due to rotting. Seeds removed from soil show black sooty cover. The infected areas of seedlings are covered with black fungal spores (Fig.). The cotyledon covered with black fungal spores. Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Aspergillus Crown Rot Course on Diseases of Groundnut Module II: Economically Important Diseases
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Aspergillus Crown Rot Course on Diseases of Groundnut Module II: Economically Important Diseases Mature plants are also attacked. Branches wilt permanently, and\or wilting of entire plant. The dead and dried branches are easily detached from the collar region. Infected pods reveal patches of black sooty spores (Fig.). Infected pods covered with black sooty spores.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Aspergillus Crown Rot Course on Diseases of Groundnut Module II: Economically Important Diseases Management Remove and destroy the previous season’s infested crop residues in the field. Seed treatment with Thiram, or Captan, or Difolitan at 2.5 g/kg seed gives good control.
The Lesson 1 on Aspergillus Crown Rot on groundnut concludes. The Lesson 2 is about Stem and Pod Rot on groundnut. The subsequent Lessons cover other economically important diseases in groundnut crop. Select Lesson 2 from Module II contents Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Diseases of Groundnut Module II: Economically Important Diseases