Learning to Read Sight words: Learning to read Student behavior: Manage student’s behavior an Important part to student learning
Use sight words for efficient learning
Sight Words Drummer Right click above to “Open Hyperlink” Kids can get in the groove and play sight word beats in the correct order Right click above to “Open Hyperlink”
Student Learning Behavior · Student should not be discouraged when struggling. · Teach students to read from text and not from memory. · The students need to read by given direction and use of examples. · Use a finger to follow along when reading. · Some students may struggle when they read with eyes only. · Struggling students can read words without having to be prompted. · Struggling students may not understand the use of punctuation and context in sentence. · Students gain confidence with reading.
Student Progress In order to objectively determine if student is progressing on a particular objective, we must first know what the student’s skills were prior to our intervention. This is done by conducting a baseline measure. Baseline is the period when no intervention or teaching is occurring. Baseline data measure the behavior (the dependent variable) before intervention (the independent variable) is initiated. In other words, the baseline phase of measurement describes a student’s performance under the naturally occurring conditions in his or her environment without instructional manipulations.
Testing data Testing or probing means that a person’s performance is checked under criterion conditions (i.e., conditions that as closely as possible use natural contexts, cues, and consequences); that is, those conditions under which we ultimately want the behavior to be performed. The teacher typically provides no prompting or teaching assistance, reinforcement for task success or improvement, or any corrections. The goal of testing is to learn about a student’s current performance under criterion conditions (specified in the objective), not to teach the student.
Teaching data Teaching data can be recorded whenever the student is taught. During teaching, conditions, data is recorded while a student is assisted as needed to “get responding going;” the student is in the instructional context (e.g., provided instructional feedback, given corrections for errors, provided with appropriate reinforcement). Learning is the goal of teaching, so conditions are planned to promote improvement in performance and to advance the learner through the various stages of learning.
Measure Student Behavior To document what has occurred To identify the variables responsible for the occurrence To understand when and why learning is occurring or not occurring To be accountable To measure teacher effectiveness
Look for the alphabet, everywhere Fun learning activity for English Language learners
Meaningful Relation between teacher and student Control behavior to enable learning. Make power cards, pin them on the wall. Replace them as the students learn the skill.
Conclusion - Evaluate student’s progress in his or her school program. - Data collection that is individualized allows teachers to effectively design, evaluate, and modify their instructional strategies. - Outcome measures that focus on an individual’s quality of life are both critical for representing student progress. - For measurement to be useful and meaningful, it must be reliable (accurate), and it must measure behaviors and skills considered as socially valid; that is, the behaviors and skills measured must have a positive impact on the quality of the student’s life. - Measurement and evaluation strategies must be designed and implemented in ways that respect each student’s privacy and participation in integrated and community-based environments.