Nixon “New Conservativism”
New Federalism Wanted to give more power to the states, decrease the size of the federal government Wanted to give more power to the states, decrease the size of the federal government Ex: passed “revenue sharing” – let state gov’ts. decide how to spend federal money. Ex: passed “revenue sharing” – let state gov’ts. decide how to spend federal money.
Family Assistance Plan Wanted to stop welfare abuse by requiring recipients to work. Wanted to stop welfare abuse by requiring recipients to work. Senate refused to pass. Senate refused to pass.
Budget Grow some programs Grow some programs to win backing for New Federalism from a Democrat- controlled Congress (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, more accessible food stamps) Shrink others. Shrink others. Impounding – withholding $ from over 100 federal programs, Supreme Court ruled this unconstitutional
Law and Order Politics “Silent Majority” – He says most people: “Silent Majority” – He says most people: –Support the war in Vietnam –Want law enforcement to deal forcefully with crime and drugs o Enemies List – Perceived enemies of those goals (protest leaders, “radicals”) investigated by FBI (often illegally)
Southern Strategy Nixon realizes he can win over white southerners by opposing civil rights. Nixon realizes he can win over white southerners by opposing civil rights. He slows school desegregation / opposed busing (required by Swann v. Charlotte case, 1971) He slows school desegregation / opposed busing (required by Swann v. Charlotte case, 1971)
Supreme Court Appts. Nixon appoints four justices, overturning the liberal “Warren court”. Nixon appoints four justices, overturning the liberal “Warren court”. Chief Justice: Warren Burger Harry Blackmun Lewis Powell William Rehnquist
Foreign Policy Realpolitik = political realism. Realpolitik = political realism. Be pragmatic. Pay attention to powerful nations, even if communist. Ignore weak nations, even if communist. –Détente – easing Cold War tensions Ex: recognized and visited China Ping pong matches EX: visited USSR (SALT I Treaty) Froze deployment of ICBMs Limited antiballistic missiles Ex: withdrew from Vietnam
Watergate Election of 1972: Nixon v. George McGovern. Election of 1972: Nixon v. George McGovern. Nixon’s is paranoid he will lose. Nixon’s is paranoid he will lose.
A Break-in Supporters of Nixon break in to McGovern’s headquarters to spy on Democrats’ campaign.
Denials Nixon claims he knew nothing of break in & aftermath. Nixon claims he knew nothing of break in & aftermath.
A Secret Source A secret source, “Deep Throat”, leads newspaper reporters Woodward and Bernstein to investigate. A secret source, “Deep Throat”, leads newspaper reporters Woodward and Bernstein to investigate. Senate hearings begin. Senate hearings begin. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post
Audiotapes A White House aid reveals all Oval Office conversations are audiotaped. A White House aid reveals all Oval Office conversations are audiotaped. Nixon refuses to hand over tapes claiming “executive privilege” Nixon refuses to hand over tapes claiming “executive privilege”
US v. Nixon The Supreme Court orders Nixon to turn over tapes. The Supreme Court orders Nixon to turn over tapes. The public is shocked to hear Nixon’s profanity & crudeness, and he erased parts of the tapes. The public is shocked to hear Nixon’s profanity & crudeness, and he erased parts of the tapes.
Resignation Enough evidence is found to impeach the President. Enough evidence is found to impeach the President. Nixon resigns. Nixon resigns.
An Unexpected President Vice President Agnew had also resigned for accepting bribes. Vice President Agnew had also resigned for accepting bribes. The new VP, Gerald Ford becomes president, having never been elected to the Presidency or Vice Presidency. The new VP, Gerald Ford becomes president, having never been elected to the Presidency or Vice Presidency.