CBA Outreach Efforts Bakhtiar Mikhak Learning Webs Group
Learning Webs Group, MIT Media Laboratory A Brief History of ML Outreach Efforts Pioneering outreach efforts by professors Papert and Resnick and their students to make sophisticated ideas and tools more accessible to marginalized audiences in a variety of different contexts teachers and kids in traditional schools teachers and kids in vocational schools children and adults in after school centers youth in correctional facilities Museums and other informal learning environments Some recent examples The Intel Computer Clubhouse Network PIE (Playful Invention and Exploration) Network of Museums
Learning Webs Group, MIT Media Laboratory A Brief History of ML Outreach Efforts International Efforts Laying the foundation for our current efforts in the Digital Nations research consortium Addressing major social challenges Such as health care, education, economic development Continuing our long-term work in Central and South America Currently expanding to new contexts like Asia (India) Africa
Learning Webs Group, MIT Media Laboratory Our Current Outreach Efforts Many domestic sites A local Computer Clubhouse The Museum of Science in Minnesota Impacting positively two other NSF funded projects PIE Museum Network The CYBORG Exhibit International Sites Costa Rica rural Technical and Scientific High Schools rural agricultural communities India Senegal
Learning Webs Group, MIT Media Laboratory A CBA FAB LAB A standard toolkit will make the sharing of ideas, techniques, and solutions easier The toolkit includes one IBM desktop computer one Roland MDX-20 mini NC mill and scanner one Roland CX-24 sign/circuit cutter two full Tower electronics development system test equipment: oscilloscope, signal generator, multi-meter one Intel Play computer microscope a suite of commercial and research design tools one tabletop chemistry unit one low-cost RF analyzer
Learning Webs Group, MIT Media Laboratory Outreach Sites Two Sites at the Media Lab: one in 016 one in 344 ongoing software and hardware research and development efforts user studies and activity development This afternoon we will be visiting the very first Computer Clubhouse that was started as a collaboration between the Media Lab and the Boston Computer Museum (now part of the Boston Museum of Science)
Learning Webs Group, MIT Media Laboratory Outreach Sites
Learning Webs Group, MIT Media Laboratory Stories from one Site A multidisciplinary class (including professors and students from electronics engineering, computer science, and industrial design) on the engineering and developmental rationale (both at the level of the individuals and communities) as well as the technical approach to system design for the Tower system will be offered at the Institute of Technology in Costa Rica for the third time in August Example projects include: Educational activities and tools Health and Environmental Sensing Application
Learning Webs Group, MIT Media Laboratory Telling Time with your whole body