Topics Enhancing Education through Technology (EETT) Blackboard Brevard Virtual School Inventory for Teacher Technology Skills
Enhancing Education Through Technology Part of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Fourth Year Two Parts: –Part I ~ Allocation (‘05 = $223,940 –Part II ~ Competitive
Enhancing Education Through Technology Improve student academic achievement through the use of technology Assist all students in crossing the digital divide Promote effective integration of instructional learning tools
Enhancing Education Through Technology Provided hardware: Wireless Laptops (student and teacher) Access Points Projectors Digital Cameras Electronic White Boards School Pads Digital Microscopes Science Probes PDAs Servers (Blackboard and Streaming Video)
Enhancing Education Through Technology Provided software: Microsoft Office for all computers Star Gazer Vernier MicroProbe Blackboard course management system Most of the hardware also included software
Enhancing Education Through Technology Provided training and professional development for participants Online and Face-to-Face Improved the integration of technology- delivered educational content Developed new distance learning courses for administrators, teachers, staff, and students
CMS vs. LMS Course Management Systems –Blackboard –Web CT –Moodle Learning Management Systems –VSA (Florida Virtual School) –NetDimensions
Blackboard Statistics 1269 users 105 courses 13 courses “retired” Subscription since 2002 Next school year: All employees Cost per year for 10,000 users: $30,000
Blackboard Courses Examples ESOL for Administrators/Guidance Counselors ESOL Empowerment for Teachers Online Resources New Hires Orientation Information Literacy Service Learning Collegiate High School
Looking at Blackboard bapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_id=_ 21_1
BVS Course Name Students Active in the Course Courses (1 Semester) FCAT 861 FCAT SAT Prep101 Total Term 1273 Life Management162 SAT Prep172 Personal Fitness, S Personal Fitness, S American Government252 Economics162 Total Term TOTAL
BVS Fall, courses: Physics, Latin I, Personal Fitness (2 sections), Life Management, SAT Prep, American Government/Honors, Economics/ Honors, FCAT 10 Prep, and Voluntary Public Service 14 teachers ~ all from Brevard Public Schools 176 active students ~ BPS, private schools, and home schooled.
10 courses: Physics, Latin I, Personal Fitness (2 sections), Life Management, SAT Prep, American Government/Honors, AP Microeconomics, Economics/ Honors, AP American Government, and Voluntary Public Service 14 teachers ~ all from Brevard Public Schools Registration: November 1st - January 3rd 220 students have been assigned to courses which began January 4th ~ BPS, private schools, and home schooled. BVS Spring, 2006
BVS Example
Instructional Technology
Inventory for Teacher Technology Skills An online tool that helps educators identify basic technology skills that need reinforcement. Developed by Florida DOE
“No Child Left Behind” Goal Full integration of technology in the curriculum Ability to responsibly use appropriate technology to Communicate Solve Problems Access, Manage, Integrate, Evaluate, and Create Information to improve learning. Acquire lifelong knowledge and skills
District Use of the Inventory? Technology Planning both District and School levels. Staff Development offerings at both District and School levels. Level of technology integration for reporting on the STaR Survey. Strategic Goal of all Teachers being at Level II Proficiency by end of Professional Development Plan for individual teachers
Schools Assisting the District DeLaura Middle School Saturn Elementary School Suntree Elementary School Instructional Staff access to the Inventory: August 22-September 2
Inventory Content Basic Operations & Concepts Productivity Communication Research Planning, Management, & Instruction Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues
Results (85 Teachers) Individual and School (see handouts) District –Basic Operations82% –Productivity88% –Communication97% –Research89% –Planning, Management, & Instruction96% –Social, Ethical, Legal, & Human Issues91%
Useful Tool?? Comment from Gerry Sprengle, Technology Specialist at Suntree Elementary: “I really like the survey. I think it can be a useful tool. I hope we can somehow salvage the survey as it can really pin down our strengths and weaknesses (I think we are going to have a lot of weaknesses!!!!).”