The “I” in Integrated Social Sciences: Innovative, Interdisciplinary, Integrative Welcome to ISS, the University of Washington’s newest online degree completion program, offering a powerful learning experience across the social sciences. ISS helps students become intentional learners, critical thinkers, globally aware citizens, and work force ready job seekers.
ISS is innovative The UW is Washington’s flagship research university, and the College of Arts and Sciences is its traditional home of undergraduate education. ISS represents a bold new venture in harnessing the power of technology to provide better access to a world-class college education to students in Washington and across the nation. Fully online delivery using Canvas Learning Management System Courses taught by the same research faculty who teach on campus Focus on the social sciences in today’s global context Based on a 21 st Century concept of reflective learning E-portfolios for learning and for showcasing learning
ISS is interdisciplinary ISS engages students in a truly interdisciplinary learning experience, exploring social issues and questions across diverse fields such as communications, geography, and international studies. ISS organized around 7 Thematic Areas in the social sciences ISS draws on the expertise of faculty from numerous departments ISS asks students to think about questions from a variety disciplinary perspectives ISS allows students to focus their studies around the questions that interest them
ISS is integrative One of the most exciting things about ISS is its integrative approach to learning. At every step of the program – from the moment you apply, in fact – you are asked to reflect on your experiences, to make connections from one course to another, and to understand how you acquire knowledge and skills. ISS core courses structure introspection and integration into the major. Collaboration with faculty, advisers, and peers incorporates diverse perspectives. E-portfolio creation provide “space” for mapping your intellectual and personal development. Purposeful engagement in your own learning builds your capacity to analyze, synthesize, and communicate ideas – abilities highly prized in the professional world.
ISS Curriculum The ISS Core: Creates a common learning experience Builds strong learning communities Emphasizes e-portfolio creation and presentation Thematic Areas focus learning on contemporary issues in the social sciences: Societies & EnvironmentsInformation & Technological Society Population Dynamics & MovementsConflict & Cooperation Diversity & Global JusticeSocietal Inequalities & Power Social Contexts of Health & Risk