New RCLayout
Do product layout
3 improvements All products Local databases New functionalities
Before: block1 products
Now: all products
3 improvements All products Local databases New functionalities
Before: 1 database
Now: a global database + x local databases
English users see:
Japanese users see:
3 improvements All products Local databases New functionalities
Now: 3D view for the stand view for the product list.xls
Now: new formats for the stand view for the product list.jpg.xls
Now: portrait & landscape printing
Now: do vet & pos stands in the same project POS VET
Now: your language English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Chinese, Indian, Japanese…
Happy or not?
If not Time Change NO BIG CHANGE IN USE New RCLayout
If not I will need your help I need your help
product manager role Adds new products Updates current products
local manager role Selects the products & formats available in his country Builds layout models for his team
Online on the 13 th of February 2013
Any question?