Introduction Mitu S Shultana Clinical Psychologist Sbrana Psychiatric Hospital Lobatse, Botswana
Qualification B.Sc on Psychology from University of Dhaka M.Sc on Clinical Psychology from University of Dhaka Practicing as a clinical psychologist in Sbrana Psychiatric Hospital in Botswana since September, 2009.
Becoming a Psychology student First time came to know about psychology in my higher secondary study (HSC, i.e., Grade 12). Psychology student: Got admitted as Psychology Student in session at Dhaka University. It was a four years honors degree. In my first year of Psychology study I mostly learnt about different psychological concepts and theories. 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th year studied Developmental Psychology, Experimental psychology, cognitive psychology and psychology related to different subjects like sociology, anthropology, statistics, biological basis of psychology.
Steps of being Clinical Psychologist Clinical psychology: I got admitted in Clinical psychology for my master degree after my B.Sc. honors in psychology degree. I was trained on CBT. I did my internship as an intern clinical psychologist at a Govt. Hospital (BSMMU) and at the Dhaka University Student Counseling and Guidance Centre. I worked as a TOT with Red Crescent for SIDR survivors. It was my first experience to work with community people.
Steps…Continue I applied for the job as a Clinical Psychologist in Botswana in After passing written examination and verbal interview, I was recruited as a Clinical Psychologist for Botswana. Botswana Experience: I was posted in a psychiatric hospital, so it was a great experience to work with both In and Out patient, working in a multi- disciplinary team (psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse, social worker, medical officer, occupational therapist, dietitian, pharmacist, physiotherapist ). In conducting my psychological assessments and interventions on Botswana clients, I had to be aware about the people and culture of Botswana. In my 5 years’ working experience in Botswana, I have emerged as a trans- cultural clinical psychologist, coming from a conservative Bangladeshi cultural background. Psychology related education to stakeholders Involve in making and implementing different policies and procedure Risk management coordinator in the department
challenges Using translator Not enough psychologist Psychological services only available in some referral and district hospitals. No standardize psychometric test
Conclusion It is my hope that through the development of cross-cultural understanding of human mind and behavior, I aspire to end up becoming an international clinical psychologist beyond national borders in the years to come.