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Political Parties Elections and campaigns Interest Groups Minor Parties More on Elections Mixed Bag
This way of voting is evidence of the weakening of political parties; where one votes for candidates of different parties for various offices on the same ballot. A 100
What is split-ticket voting? A 100
This is the type of election that signifies a sharp, lasting shift in party identification occurs from one major party to the other. A 200
What is a realignment (critical election)? A 200
This is the person who is chosen by a primary or caucus. A 300
What is the party nominee? A 300
These are 4 types of demographic groups that would tend to vote Republican. A 400
What is older, whiter, richer, Christian, man, lives in rural area or the South? A 400
The ____________ was one of the first political parties and was the forerunner for the Republican party. The _____________ was the other first party and was the forerunner for the Democratic party A 500
The Federalists was one of the first political parties and was the forerunner for the Republican party. The Democratic-Republicans was the other first party and was the forerunner for the Democratic party *the AntiFederalists is ok too A 500
These are the elections before the general election to choose the party nominee. B 100
What is a primaries or caucuses? B 100
This is a type of electoral system where there are more than two main parties. B 200
What is a multiparty system? B 200
According to this idea, candidates try to appeal to the moderate voters in the middle. B 300
What is the median voter theorem? B 300
This is the term used to describe the unlimited funds given to a political party that do not have to be reported. B 400
What is soft money? B 400
This Act eliminated the use of soft money. B 500
What is the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA)? B 500
These committees raise money for special interest groups and deliver money to the political parties and candidates. C 100
What is a PAC (political action committee)? C 100
This type of individual is hired to influence public policy by delivering information to legislators. C 200
What is a lobbyist? C 200
This type of campaign funding is limited/regulated and is given to specific candidates. C 300
What is hard money? C 300
This type of group spends most of its money on campaign advertisements advocating issues to influence elections. C 400
What is a 527 group? C 400
List 2 types of parties and give an example of each. C 500
What is 1.ideological- Republican, Democrat 2.Singe-Issue– Prohibition, Right to Life 3.Economic Protest---the Greenback Party, Tea Party 4.Splinter/factional party--- the Bull Moose, Tea Party C 500
This type of party has only one main focus. D 100
What is a single-issue party. D 100
The Democrats are an example of this type of political party. D 200
What is an ideological party? D 200
This was the minor party role played by the Green party in the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. D 300
What is the spoiler role? D 300
This is probably the most positive and important function of minor parties. D 400
What is being an innovator, bringing new ideas to the forefront, pushing the envelope, tackling controversial issues? D 400
These are three reasons why we have a two-party dominated system. D 500
What is : 1). Historical basis 2.) tradition 3.) electoral rules- winner-take- all, single member districts, plurality winners 4.) ideological moderation/closeness of Americans D 500
This group is also called a “faction” or “pressure group” E 100
What is an interest group? E 100
In this type of election, only a declared member of the party can vote. E 200
What is a closed primary? E 200
The most numerous type of economic group is this type. E 300
What is business groups? E 300
This new, powerful entity is able to pour unlimited/undisclosed funds into campaigns due to the Citizens United ruling. E 400
What is the “Super PAC?” E 400
List 3 types of interest groups and give an example of each. E 500
What is 1.Labor group---AFL-CIO, Teamsters 2.Farm Group---The Grange, National Farmers Union 3.Non-economic group— NOW, NAACP 4.Professional group---ABA, AMA E 500
In the Buckley v Valeo case the Supreme Court decided that Money = ? F 100
What is free speech? F 100
This is where a grassroots party gets its power from. F 200
What is the local level or the people? F 200
This 2010 Supreme Court case opened the floodgates of campaign $$$ by allowing corporations and unions to donate unlimited $. F 300
What is Citizens United v FEC? F 300
Give an example of inside lobbying and outside lobbying. F 400
What is: Inside lobbying---lobbyist goes directly to legislator to influence laws passed. Outside lobbying---bringing constituency pressure (voters) to bear on lawmakers F 400
Explain the difference between hard money and soft money. ________funds that go to_________ F 500
What is : Hard money--- limited funds that go directly to a candidate Soft money---unlimited funds that go to party building activities. F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: “critical elections” Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
Name at least two major historical party realignments: You must list the precipitating event/conditions And Which party gained new members Click on screen to continue
What were: Slavery- Republican party created in support of abolition….Republican party took voters from Democratic party over this issue The Great Depression- Economic hardship caused many Republicans to switch to Democratic party in support of government safety net programs * Remember that realignments signify a permanent shift of party loyalties Click on screen to continue
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