DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS STRATEGIC ENGAGEMENT WITH CIVIL SOCIETY: current financial period (… beyond?) EDF & DCI Thematic Programmes Maria Winnubst AIDCO C1 EuropeAid
DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS 1. Policy: an evolving context - new paradigms Cotonou Agreement (2000) first EC agreement which requires the participation of civil society in EC policy making (art. 6) Communication on Participation of NSAs in EC Development policy (2002) principle of all geographic programmes – CS participation. European Consensus on Development (2006) reaffirms commitment to principles of ownership, partnership International Aid Effectiveness Agenda (AE) - post Accra Agenda for Action (AAA), Working Party on AE (WP-EFF)
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS 2. European Commission: Actors & Mechanisms for support The New Financial Perspective , provides a rationalization of the various geographic and thematic instruments: the geographic instruments provide the major mechanism for partnerships with recipient country governments, and focus on the development priorities of the country or region. In addition to geographic instrument, the thematic instruments are meant to support actions in areas of work which are not included in an AAP. SHIFT Greater Ownership Budget Support Sector Policy Support COMPLEMENTARITY
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS 2. European Commission: Actors & Mechanisms for support Geographic and Thematic Government Civil Society Private Sector Public field Private field Profit not for profit 3-sector society: classic divisiontowards the future State institutions Civil Society Private Sector CSP-NIP thematic funding What kind of funding mechanism? How does CS fit into new aid modality? global commitments Several instruments
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS Current reality: According to context, it may prove difficult to enhance civil society participation through geographic programmes (SPSP themselves or specific geographic programmes) In non conducive environment and/or as a way of achieving complementarity, use thematic instruments or programmes, for enhancing sector dialogue; for providing capacity building. EIDHR 2. European Commission: Actors & Mechanisms for support
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS 2. European Commission: Actors & Mechanisms for support Geographic vs Thematic a new support strategy: NSAs as full actors in the field of development and as actors of governance - search for a better complementarity between state and non-state actors at national, regional and local level. How to position thematic programmes: o in a context which favours integrated country strategies; o within the whole range of EC instruments aimed at supporting civil society; o subject to major changes such as new aid modalities and search for greater aid effectiveness; o in an increasingly politicised and multi-actor cooperation system ?
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS The EU Development Policy and The Role of CSOs in the Region
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS EU Development Policy : Overview and Context EU Development policy – aim at poverty eradication in MDG context EU action on the ground is based on : – the European Consensus on Development (2005) : a common EU (Commission and MS) vision of development, first time in 50 years. – EU partnerships and dialogue with developing countries. The EU - the world's largest donor has committed to improving Aid Effectiveness and thereby Development effectiveness. Paris Declaration (2005) and Accra Agenda for Action/AAA (2008) – a central role of the EU. Policy Coherence for Development - to better articulate Development Policy with other elements of EU action, thereby reinforcing the EU contribution to developing countries progress towards the MDGs.
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS EU Development Policy : Approaches – guiding principles - Differentiated approach (mix of objectives and modalities, depending on context and needs – LDCs, LICs-MICs, fragile states) and concentration at country/regional level A variety of modalities based on needs and performance. i.e. grants, project aid, budget support, micro-finance approach, EIB investments. Promotion of CSOs participation in the definition, implementation and evaluation of EC development strategies
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS EU Development Policy : Approaches and Modalities (2) The Community's contribution is focused on a number of areas of intervention ( trade, environment and energy, water, infrastructure, rural development, governance, conflict prevention, human development, cohesion and employment ), responding to the needs, as identified by partner countries. These are complemented by attention to issues, cutting across all above sectors: democracy and good governance, the rights of children and indigenous peoples, gender equality, environmental sustainability and the fight agains HIV/AIDS EU development programmes - geographically-based, supplemented by a range of thematic instruments and programmes, complementary and subsidiary to the above
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS The Role of CSOs in the Region and Support to CSOs Role of CSOs in the Region
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS The Role of CSOs in the Region and Support to CSOs (2) Role of CSOs in Region – Common Characteristics Substantial growth in numbers and influence of CSOs (with important levels of qualifications and skills) in recent years, however : Still important focus on service delivery vs the “more political” advocacy No determining role in public policy making – interaction with government exists, though failing to translate into policy (issues of inconsistent level of direct involvement of CSOs, representation of CS at large, etc) Donor-dependent, hence operating in a competitive environment, creating constraints for the development of locally owned strategies
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS The Role of CSOs in the Region and Support to CSOs (3) EC Support to CSOs as implementers and dialogue partners - Types 9 th and 10th EDF geographic programmes (under focal and non-focal sectors) on institutional reinforcement and capacity building for both advocacy and service delivery (ex. CSCBP Uganda 8 M EUR , followed up by DGAP 12 M ). Thematic Programmes (DCI) – CSO initiative based, pilot actions to address sensitive issues, partnership in difficult contexts (NSA/LA, Investing in People…) and other Thematic Instruments - EIDHR, Instrument for Stability In specific cases, support to CSOs can be integrated in a GBS or a sector policy support programme (SPSP) (ex Zambia’s PRBS-II and South Africa’s Access to Justice and Promotion of Constitutional Rights programme)
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS The Role of CSOs in the Region and Support to CSOs (4) Trends in CSOs’ participation - 10th EDF CSP programming and current MTR Well organised and timely involvement of CSOs in the drafting of CSP, with CSOs input and feedback incorporated in strategy documents (Botswana and Malawi best examples). Consultation/information sharing type on programming in the cases of Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Lesotho Ad-hoc consultation of CSOs in Namibia (delays, priority setting NDP3) Special cases : Zimbabwe (Cotonou Art 96 Consultations closed with, since 2002 EC assistance limited to direct support under B envelope) and Tanzania (10th EDF programming in context of JAS) MTR of 10th EDF : in-country phase June-Oct 2009, with MTR guidelines to be shared with CSOs in country, involving them from onset
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS STRATEGIC ENGAGEMENT WITH CIVIL SOCIETY: Co-operation with civil society in the region from the perspective of the EU’s human rights policy Davide Zaru DG Relex EuropeAid
DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS EU human rights policy in the third countries: ID card Monitoring of the situation and action on specific cases Political dialogue: 1) EU to country; 2) regional dialogue (e.g. African Union) Co-operation in multilateral fora, notably the United Nations Support to the international human right5s institutions, to human rights NGOs and to human rights defenders
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS Principles and priorities Principles: universality - interdependence Specific priorities : o Death penalty o Torture o Children and armed conflict o Violence against children o Human Rights defenders o Violence and discrimination against women
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS Results of political dialogue should feed into EU assistance Human rights relevance of Country Strategy Papers Capacity building activities through thematic instruments
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS How does Civil Society slot in the picture? Civil Society supports the monitoring role of the EU EU supports and protects human rights defenders Civil Society organisations are associated in political dialogues: o Article 8 dialogues o African Union Civil Society organisations are associated in the development and review of Country Strategy Papers
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS In the framework of the co-operation between the EU and the African Union Partnership on democratic governance and human rights AU-EU human rights dialogue
EuropeAid DG EXTERNAL RELATIONS HR dialogue with the African Union Objectives o Open up official human rights dialogue to the European and African academic and NGO communities and create a space for non- confrontational discussion; o Encourage academics and members of civil society to feed the agenda of the official dialogue with their views; and o Encourage the effective implementation of shared human rights commitments.