12 June 2008WPLA1 The UNECE Working Party on Land Administration (WPLA) Tasks of the Real Estate Market Advisory Group (REM) Milan, 12 th June 2008 Peter Creuzer
12 June 2008WPLA2 Contents 1.Land administration in the ECE region 2.Approach of the UNECE WPLA 3.Real Estate Market Advisory Group (REM)
12 June 2008WPLA3
12 June 2008WPLA4 Land and Society From: Land Administration in the ECE-region - Development Trends and Main Principles, ECE/HBP/140 Functions of land in society Physical Ecological Economic Cultural Legal Social Good stewardship of land Good governance Land policies Land administration Secure tenure
12 June 2008WPLA5 Transfer of govern- ment functions to the private sector Development of land markets Institutional and economic structures Change of land ownership structures Political and economic changes Cost recovery Institutional arrangements Spatial data infrastructures Emerging markets, value-adding services Paradigm Shift Statutory tasks plus service delivery for the market
12 June 2008WPLA6 Land Administration ‘The term ‘land administration’... refers to the processes of recording and disseminating information about the ownership, value and use of land and its associated resources.’ From: ‘Land Administration in the ECE- region - Development Trends and Main Principles’ (ECE/HBP/140)
12 June 2008WPLA7 Social and Economic Benefits of Good Land Administration (1)Facilitating private land ownership and security of tenure (2)Developing a secure financial sector (3)Providing a basis for land taxation (4)Land information as basis for land management, change monitoring (5)National mapping, accessible information … Social and Economic Benefits of Good Land Administration (2 nd Edition, UNECE WPLA, January 2005)
12 June 2008WPLA8
12 June 2008WPLA9 Terms of Reference Promotion and improvement of land administration and land management in the ECE-region Introduction and improvement of cadastres and land registers Development of real estate markets Cooperation and experience exchange with ECE member countries Coherence of activities with work of the Committee on Housing and Land Management
12 June 2008WPLA10 ToR (II) - Tasks Land administration Planning and development of land Encouraging partnership of public and private sectors Formulation and implementation of land policies International cooperation
12 June 2008WPLA11 Core Activities of the WPLA Workshops Publications Land Administr. Reviews Plenary Sessions
12 June 2008WPLA12 Publications/Studies (Examples) Land Administration In The ECE Region – Development Trends and Main Principles Principles for the Use of PPP within Land Administration in the ECE Member Countries
12 June 2008WPLA13
12 June 2008WPLA14 The Land Market Value and valuation of land (individual and mass valuation) Price, market, cost and value Land and property taxation Valuation agencies Land and property markets Mortgage finance From: ‘Land Administration in the ECE- region - Development Trends and Main Principles’ (ECE/HBP/140)
12 June 2008WPLA15 Real Estate Market Advisory Group (1)Experts from the private sector, financial institutions, NGOs, professional associations,.. (2)Promotion of the real estate market, financial services and land administration (3)Close cooperation with ECE Secretariat and Bureau of the WPLA ECE/HBP/WP.7/2007/7
12 June 2008WPLA16 Real Estate Market Advisory Group (II) (1)Advice to WPLA on it’s activities (2)Advice to ECE member states on practical implementation of policy recommendations and specific activities (3)Contribute to capacity-building activities of the WPLA and to the dissemination of information, good practice and know how in ECE member countries (4)Networking with global and regional financial institutions, lender and donor organisations, NGO’s and the business community (5)Biannual progress reports to the WPLA ECE/HBP/WP.7/2007/7
12 June 2008WPLA17 Current Challenges Informal settlements Fees and charges guidelines Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) Institutional arrangements (including PPP), real estate market transparency Holistic approach to land administration and land management issues
12 June 2008WPLA18 Conclusions Sound land administration is vital for the welfare of the state and the benefit of the citizens. Each country’s individual circumstances need to be carefully considered when establishing or changing a land administration and management system. This includes the real estate markets. Common principles are in place and should be applied! International cooperation in land administration should include expertise on real estate markets (REM).
12 June 2008WPLA19