Multimedia Applications: Virtual Reality and Games 1
Outline Materi Virtual Reality Games Development 2
Virtual Reality Definition What is virtual reality? – Virtual – being in essence or effect, but not in fact – Reality – the state or quality of being real. Something that exists independently of ideas concerning it. Something that constitutes a real or actual thing as distinguished from something that is merely apparent – Virtual Reality a computer generated ‘immersive’ (or wide field), multi-sensory information program which tracks a user in real time 3
Key Elements of Virtual Reality Experience Virtual World - content of a given medium – screen play, script, etc. – actors performing the play allows us to experience the virtual world Immersion – sensation of being in an environment – mental immersion – suspension of disbelief – physical immersion – bodily entering the medium – Related to presence – (mentally immersed) the participant’s sensation of being in the virtual environment (Slater) 4 Walking Experiment at UNC – Chapel Hill
Key Elements of Virtual Reality Experience Sensory Feedback – information about the virtual world is presented to the participant’s senses – Visual (most common) – Audio – Touch Interactivity – the virtual world responds to the user’s actions. – Computer makes this possible – Real-time 5 Walking Experiment at UNC – Chapel Hill
Entertainment 6
Design Visualization 7
Training (NASA) 8
Clinical Virtual Reality The direct use of VR as a tool in the treatment or assessment of psychological and physical disorders. 9 Hunter Hoffman HITLab – University of Washington
Gaming Platform Personal computer games – commonly referred to as "computer games" or "PC games" Console games – commonly referred to as "video games" Arcade games – coin-operated games played on a standalone device originally leased to commercial entertainment venues Internet games – those which require a connection to the Internet to play 11
Game Development Team Roles Game Designer – a person who designs games. The term normally refers to a person who designs computer or video games, but it can also refer to one who designs traditional games Artists – responsible for all of the aspects of game development that calls for visual art Programmers – a software engineer who primarily develops computer or video games or related software (such as game development tools) Level designers – a person who creates levels for computer and/or video games using a specific set of programs Sound engineers (composers, and for sound effects) Testers – a person whose profession consists of testing video and computer games in order to find bugs, errors and possible conflicts as a quality control process. Producers – the person in charge of overseeing development of a video or computer game 12