Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday Author: Judith Viorst Illustrator: Ray Cruz Genre: Realistic Fiction Skill: Sequence Visualize Visualize Author’s Purpose Author’s Purpose
college dimes downtown fined nickels quarters rich Words to Know
More Words to Know positively token
the main part or business part of a town or city downtown
a school of higher learning college Samford Hall, located on College Street in Auburn, houses the University's administration. Clark Hall, home of the College of Arts and Sciences, at The University of Alabama
coins in the United States and Canada worth five cents nickels American nickels Canadian nickels
coins in the United States and Canada worth ten cents dimes American dimesCanadian dimes
coins in the United States & Canada worth twenty-five cents quarters American quartersCanadian quarters
made someone pay money as punishment for breaking a law fined Speeding? Not wearing a seat belt? You should already know these things are against the law. You could be fined if you get caught breaking these laws! People have to pay to park in certain parts of bigger cities. They put coins into the parking meter to buy time to park in that spot. If they don’t deposit enough money, their time can run out and they might get fined!!
having a great deal of money rich
Ms. Harding went to college at the University of South Alabama.
Two dimes make twenty cents.
After the man found the treasure, he was rich.
The girl loved to go downtown to do her shopping.
With three quarters, you can buy a soda for 75 cents.
Hank told Mary that nickels are worth five cents a piece.
The driver was fined $ for littering on the highway.
Let’s review our words. LISTEN for the vowel sounds in each syllable.
college college
downtown downtown
nickels nickels
quarters tersquar