Preserving Academic Integrity 1Rev: , NAO Academic Misconduct
Goals Introduce and define academic misconduct Equip students, through scenarios, to preserve academic integrity Academic Misconduct2Rev: , NAO
University Code of Student Conduct Available online: Includes conduct in & out of the classroom Academic Misconduct3Rev: , NAO
What is Academic Misconduct? Any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the university, or subvert the educational process. Academic Misconduct4Rev: , NAO
Academic Misconduct Policy at OSU 1.violation of course rules in the syllabus. 2.providing or receiving information during quizzes or exams. 3.submitting plagiarized work (see Academic Misconduct resources online for more details). Academic Misconduct5 The Code of Student Conduct defines Academic Misconduct to include: Rev: , NAO
Academic Misconduct Policy at OSU Academic Misconduct6 4.falsification, fabrication, or dishonesty in reporting research results. 5.engaging in activities that unfairly place other students at a disadvantage. The Code of Student Conduct defines Academic Misconduct to include: Rev: , NAO
If academic misconduct is suspected… All cases of suspected misconduct must be reported to the Committee on Academic Misconduct (CoAM). Academic Misconduct7Rev: , NAO
Academic Misconduct Scenarios Take a few minutes to discuss the scenario. We will then discuss the results as a class. Academic Misconduct8Rev: , NAO
Things to consider… Where are the points of concern? What portions of the code of conduct are relevant to the situation? ( A) What are the possible actions? Who might be affected by these actions? What do you recommend? Academic Misconduct9Rev: , NAO
Scenario 1 Rick and Paul are working together on an individual programming assignment. What are some strategies they can use to avoid plagiarism? Academic Misconduct10Rev: , NAO
Scenario 2 Brooke and Kathy are working on individual physics homework together. Brooke asks Kathy how to do one of the problems. What should Kathy do? Academic Misconduct11Rev: , NAO
Scenario 3 Deb is performing data analysis for her lab report. Most of her data make sense, but there are a few points that seem to be written down incorrectly, throwing off the values she calculates for force. What should she do? Academic Misconduct12Rev: , NAO
Scenario 4 While searching online for information on the chain rule, Stuart stumbled across the solution to a homework problem assigned in math. What should he do? Can he use it to do his homework? What if he knew that several other students had the answers to the homework problems? Academic Misconduct13Rev: , NAO
Scenario 5 JoAnn and George took the same Chemistry class from the same instructor in consecutive quarters. Since JoAnn had received an A in the class, George asked her for a copy of her lab reports to use as a reference for formatting, but wound up copying several sections of JoAnn’s reports. Who has committed academic misconduct? What should JoAnn have done? Academic Misconduct14Rev: , NAO
Team Lab Reports Be sure that all of your team members understand what constitutes plagiarism, that it is not acceptable, and that it can impact the entire team. Every person is responsible for every word in any team documents. Academic Misconduct15Rev: , NAO
Final Thoughts Academic Misconduct often occurs when assignments, which are worth only a small portion of one’s grades, are at the risk of being late. If there are extenuating circumstances, talk to your instructor about your particular situation instead of turning to academic misconduct. Academic Misconduct16Rev: , NAO
Words of Caution When homework assignments or lab reports are graded by a single person, it is fairly easy to detect copied assignments. A sanction for academic misconduct can easily result in a whole grade reduction or even failure of the course. Is it really worth it? Academic Misconduct17Rev: , NAO
Statistics in FEH In , FEH sent about 10 students to CoAM Previous sanctions from CoAM have ranged from ½ letter grade reduction to course failure Academic Misconduct18Rev: , NAO
Questions? For further reference, please review the Academic Misconduct section in the course syllabus and the additional resources online. Academic Misconduct19Rev: , NAO