PROSPECTING Team Elite Eric Karlen
Everyone comes from a different background Over 98% of Reps. start PART-TIME (5-15 hrs/wk) Most people have little or no sales skills/experience We are the “messengers”, not the message Presentations standardized, consistent, professional 3way with partner who has more experience than you do, so your prospects get their questions answered (not “ganging up on” or “hard selling”); partner “absorbs” the rejection Why follow the SYSTEM?
Focus on Productive Action vs. being “busy” (we don’t get paid to clean our offices, do the dishes, or any other distractions from TALKING TO PEOPLE) Focus on Productive Action “If your phone is off the hook and you are talking to people, you’re in business; If it’s on the hook, you’re out of business.” -Russ Karlen
Use powerful words and say only enough to peak their interest: I’d like you to see an incredible new technology with global exclusive rights that can instantly tell the level of carotenoid antioxidant level you have in your body. This has huge potential because no one else can do this, and no one has ever been able to detect this important carotenoid antioxidant level before now. Don’t take more than 3 minutes! Create Curiosity 4C’s - Compliment – Create Curiosity – Control Yourself – Commit
Step 1: Initial contact -Simple invite script (optional: 3way into 2 min recorded msg) Prospecting SYSTEM Step 2: More Information (1 message, 4 mediums): -Phone: Video: DVD -Internet: -Flipchart Brochure Step 3: 3way Call with partner
Who Do You Talk To? 1) People you know – “Center of influence” (Primary-Warm) From your list, From lists of people you sponsor -Holiday card list, Referrals – “who do you know?” 2) People you don’t know (Secondary – Cold) -3-Foot Rule-Yellow Pages -Chamber of commerce mixers-Internet -purchase leads -promotional methods -leads groups-voicedrops
Every Prospect is thinking 2 things: Terry’s Truths Be Duplicatible 1. Do I want to do this? 2. CAN I DO THIS?
Ask for the order (you don’t get what you don’t ask for) Open “business in a box” and go through products (get them using right away) -have them take LifePak Nano with G3, and put LifePak packet in pocket/purse Show brochure– “you can do this” Closing- key points
What is the secret to becoming Blue Diamond or Team Elite? * It’s a numbers game More objections, more rejections, more people telling us no... and as a result more successes… “The harder you work, the luckier you get” *To qualify for any pin level you must meet all requirements of the Sales Compensation Plan, including retail sales. For a complete summary of the Sales Compensation Plan please contact the company at or go to
Fill your pipeline, take enough prospects through this process, retail product, and it becomes almost impossible to fail! It’s a numbers game
Create Curiosity Use powerful words and say only enough to peak their interest “Hello ________? This is ___________. How are you? Great.* Actually the reason I’m calling is business related. I am working with a company to bring a new patented technology to market. In a nutshell, we have the only device that can non-invasively measure your health-- with no blood or urine samples required! Our company has the exclusive global marketing rights for the life of the patents—which is for the next 15 years! As you can probably get an idea, there is a lot of money to be made! *(If warm market and have not spoken to recently, use F.O.R.M. opener– Family, Occupation, Recreation, Money)
You’re looking for the ACES!!! Sift, don’t sell!
Inviting to a Local Briefing “to have attend a local scanner briefing overviewing the Scanner technology, our company, some of the key target markets, and of course what's in it for you. It will be on Wednesday, August 24 th at the Hilton Hotel on Rosencrans street. Scanning starts at 6:30pm; Can you be there by then? Great, I’ll meet you there. I look forward to your feedback.” (Optional: pick them up and drive them to the briefing.) “What part interested you the most? Great, the next step is:
Most Reps do not follow up Most people need a few exposures before signing up Don’t be a statistic, be “politely persistent” More info, then 3way… until they say “yes” or “no” Fortune is in the FOLLOW UP