1. Практикувати учнів у читанні та розумінні прочитаного; 2. Розвивати комунікативні здібності, вміння співпрацювати, логічно викладати свою думку 3. Повторити злічувані та незлічувані іменники, структуру there is...\there are...: some\any: 4. Активізувати лексику по темі; 5. Розвивати навички розуміння тексту на слух; 6. Практикувати учнів в діалогічному мовленні. 7. Формувати мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови. Мета
Мовна розминка I like honey, L like cheese, I like beans, But I don’t like peas. I like coffee, L like tea, I like you Do you like me?
Фонетична розминка Betty Botta bought some butter “But”, she said, “this butter bitter, But a bit of better butter Will make my butter better.” So she bought a bit of butter Better than the bitter butter And it made her butter better.
Make the sentences Paul always eats tea and biscuits never drinks a cup of tea never drinks a cup of tea sometimes has an omelet sometimes has an omelet a small lunch a small lunch salad salad a big dinner a big dinner
Group 1 Agree or disagree: The English have four meals a day. In England breakfast time is between nine and twelve. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day in all English families. The English like to have tea with milk. The English proverb says: “ After supper sleep a while, after dinner walk a mile”.
Group 2: Complete the sentences The English take ______ meals a day. In England breakfast time is between ___ and _______. In some English houses lunch is the ___ meal of the day. For dinner they have _____, fish or ____, vegetables, _________ and ________. “After _______ sleep a while, after _____ walk a mile”.
Group 3. Think about the plan to the text:
Злічувані та незлічувані іменники Якщо ти можеш полічити речі, які позначають іменники, то ці іменники – злічувані (countable): one apple, two apples, three apples (є форма множини) Якщо ти можеш полічити речі, які позначають іменники, то ці іменники – злічувані (countable): one apple, two apples, three apples (є форма множини) Якщо ти не можеш полічити ці речі поштучно – то це незлічувані іменники (uncountable): cheese, meat, money (немає форми множини) Якщо ти не можеш полічити ці речі поштучно – то це незлічувані іменники (uncountable): cheese, meat, money (немає форми множини)
These things are usually uncountable: Kinds of drinks: milk, tea, coffee … Kinds of drinks: milk, tea, coffee … Kind of food, which you eat only part of a time: cheese, fish, meat… Kind of food, which you eat only part of a time: cheese, fish, meat… Materials: paper, plastic, iron, gold… Materials: paper, plastic, iron, gold… Some other things: music, money, information, news… Some other things: music, money, information, news…
Find uncountable nouns colahousecheesemouse colahousecheesemouse breadmilkjuicebooktea breadmilkjuicebooktea schoolcatcoffeemeat schoolcatcoffeemeat lemononionpen lemononionpen
There is, there are не перекладаються українською, але сповіщають про наявність чогось / когось у певному місці. There is вживається в однині та з незлічуваними іменниками. There are вживається у множині зі злічуваними іменниками.
Тренування учнів у вживанні звороту “There is / There are”. THERE IS A CAT UNDER THE TABLE. Під столом знаходиться кіт. IS THERE A CAT UNDER THE TABLE? Під столом є кіт? THERE ARE DOGS IN THE YARD. У дворі є собаки. ARE THERE GOGS IN THE YARDS? У дворі є собаки?
Some \ any There are some apples in the fridge. Are there any apples in the fridge? There are not any apples in the fridge.
Listening To be hungry – бути голодним To be hungry – бути голодним To be thirsty – хотіти пити To be thirsty – хотіти пити Burger – бутерброд Burger – бутерброд
Test 1. Children can have lunch at … a. School b. home c. work 2. They have lunch at … a.12 o'clock b. 1 o'clock c. 2 o'clock 3. The pupils … after the lessons. a. Go home b. do homework c. are hungry 4. Today they have … a. Some potatoes and some fish b. Some rice and some salad c. Some porridge and some meat 5. Pupils can buy … a. Flowers b. bottles of water c. some butter 6. My friend Pete likes to buy… a. Oranges b. chocolate or sweets c. juice 7. We like to have lunch at … a. Home b. the lesson c. school
Фізкультхвилинка Can you hop like a rabbit? Can you jump like a frog? Can you walk like a duck? Can you run like a dog? Can you fly like a bird? Can you swim like a fish? And be still like a good child, As still as you wish?
Fill in each blank with some or any 1. We don’t need ________ butter. 2. I want ________ flour because I am going to bake a cake. 3. Is there _________ milk in the bottle?
4. We don’t need _______ eggs. 5. There aren't ________ soup in the fridge. 6. There is _________ tea in the cup.