МБОУ « ООШ № 17» г.Анжеро-Судженск
I like honey on my bread, I like salad, I like eggs. I drink water all day long. All these things make me strong
a banana, a carrot, tea, milk, an apple, an orange, a potato, water, juice.
For breakfast I would like
Cross out the odd word Juice Lemon Cheese Apple banana
Listening Comprehension
Mark sentences as true or false 1. Kate is 10 years old. 2. They usually drink coffee for breakfast. 3. At weekends they have a glass of milk. 4. White coffee is coffee with milk. 5. Kate prefers bread and cheese. 6. Nick likes boiled egg.
HEALTHY UNHEALTHY Tea Pizza Juice Milk Coffee Ice-cream Cakes Jam Lemons Bananas Oranges Cucumbers Carrots Cheese Fish Bread Hot dogs Meat Chocolate Sweets Eggs Potatoes Roast chicken Soup French Fries Apples Tomatoes Coca- cola