4: Using electricity safely Date Lesson Outcomes How I didTargets Task 1: Explain what fuses are used. Level 5 Task 2: Explain what a large current can do to our bodies. Level 6 Task 3: What other safety measures are involved in keeping us safe from electricity. Level 7 Connector: (Level 4) Why should you not touch electricity? How are we protected from electric shocks?
Homework Homework task: Create a leaflet on electrical safety Due date: Next lesson Criteria for level 5: Leaflet contain some description of electrical safety e.g. plugs and fuses and advises people how to use electricity safely Criteria for level 6:Containes detailed description with pictures of electrical safety including fuses, rubber wires and earth wires Criteria for level 7: Explains how each safety measure protects people from harm
BIG picture What skills will you be developing this lesson? ICT Numeracy Literacy Team work Self management Creative thinking Independent enquiry Participation Reflection How is this lesson relevant to every day life? (WRL/CIT)
New Information for Task 1 Fuses contain a narrow strip of wire that is designed to ‘break’ if there is a fault, and cut off the supply of electricity. Fuses are a vital safety mechanism; they reduce the risk of harm or injury from electric shock.
Task 1 (Level 5) Task 1: Build a circuit to recreate how a fuse works Equipment: Power pack, wires x 2, crocodile clips x 2, thin strip of copper wire, heat proof mat Task 1: Extension Draw the circuit diagram Keywords for Task 1: Fuses Current Voltage Burn out
Task 1: Answers
Task 1: Review Lesson OutcomesHow I didTargets Task 1: Explain why fuses are used. Level 5 Met? Partly met? Not met? How can I improve on task 1? Go back to your lesson outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.
New Information for Task 2 Lightning has always been a marvel to humans, and even now there is much that we don’t understand about it. We can recreate a small version in the lab but even our biggest experiments get nowhere near the power of the sky’s discharge DANGER: Currents of approximately 0.2 A are potentially fatal, because they can make the heart fibrillate, or beat in an uncontrolled manner. Demo Van der Graaf
Slow motion lighting
Task 2 (Level 6) Task 2: 1.What energy forms does the electrical energy get transformed into when lightning strikes? 2.Why do 4 out of 5 people survive when struck by lightning when the volts are V? 3.Why does the lighting kill a person? 4.Which is the better insulator, air or polystyrene? 5.Is it better to be wearing rubber boots or bare feet in a thunderstorm? Keywords for Task 2: Energy Electricity Current Volts Strike Lightning
Task 2: Answers Class feedback Mark each others work 1.Light and sound 2.The current is what kills a person 3.The current flowing through a person causes their heart to stop 4.Air is better insulator as the particles are far apart. But if the voltage is big enough the electricity will jump! 5.It is better to wear rubber boots as they are insulators
Task 2: Review Lesson OutcomesHow I didTargets Task 2: Explain what a large current can do to our bodies Level 6 Met? Partly met? Not met? How can I improve on task 2? Go back to your lesson outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.
New Information for Task 3 Plugs Copy into books
Task 3: (Level 7) Task 3: ankenstein/safety.htmlhttp:// ankenstein/safety.html Electrical safety-ideas What features does a plug have to protect us from electric shock Use the equipment to take the plug apart and draw what you see Task 3: Extension Worksheet from P1a Keywords for Task 3: current voltage amps fuse blown fuse
Task 3: Answers Earth wire Fuse Plastic case Coated wires
Task 3: Review Lesson OutcomesHow I didTargets Task 3: What other safely measures are involved in keeping us safe from electricity. Level 7 Met? Partly met? Not met? How can I improve on task 3? Go back to your lesson outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.
Review of lesson If this is the answer what was the question? Fuse Insulator Earth wire Current Van der Graaf