What are the three essential elements (基本要素) for us human beings to survive (生存) on the earth? water air foo d
corn fish eggs fruits What do we eat in our daily diet( 日常饮食) ?
carrots tomatoes cucumber cabbage
sweets chocolate potato chips
rice dumplings noodles cake pizza hamburger
What kinds of nutrients( 营养物质 ) can they provide to human beings? Water Sugar Fat 脂肪 Fibre 纤维 Protein 蛋白质 Vitamin A balanced diet (平衡饮食)
What are they rich in (富含) ? fat / fibre / sugar / vitamin / protein ?
ricecorn dumplings carrot Which food is rich in fat / fibre /sugar / vitamin / protein ?
bacon meat Which food is rich in fat / fibre /calcium( 钙 ) / sugar /vitamin / protein ? fish milk eggs
Which food is rich in fat / fibre / sugar /vitamin / protein ? salad French fries chocolate Ice cream hamburgers
Do you know the food you eat helps you grow in different way? Foods to give you energy (energy-giving food) Foods to grow bones and muscle (eg body- building food) Foods that give fiber for digestion and health (eg protective food) Fast energy food Slow energy food Rice Sugar Noodles potatoes bread Butter Cream Oils nuts Meat Eggs Cheese Milk tofu All vegetables (eg beans, mushrooms,…) All fruit(eg apples,peaches, …)
Make up a dialogue about food you like or dislike using the expressions below and as many food, fruit or vegetables as possible and state your reasons.
Useful words fat, sugar, vitamin, protein, fibre, mineral, Useful structures I like/dislike…very much/best. I think…is/are junk / healthy food, because it has/ contains … it is high/rich in… it is low/poor in…
If we don’t eat a balanced diet, what may happen? slim fat … We may_______________________________
Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = Overweight = ( 极度肥胖 )Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater 身体质量指数 weight (kg) [height (m)]² Formula( 公式 ): = ?
First wealth is health. 健康是人生的第一财富.