Using Inactivity to Detect Unusual behavior Presenter : Siang Wang Advisor : Dr. Yen - Ting Chen Date : Motion and video Computing, WMVC IEEE Workshop on, Issue Date: 8-9 Jan. 2008, Page(s): Dickinson, P.; Hunter, A.
Outline Introduction Methods Evaluation Conclusions 2
Introduction Automated visual surveillance systems are often intended to detect interesting, unusual or abnormal activity in a monitored scene. 3
Introduction Interest has develop around the potential of automated surveillance to support home- based care of peoples. Elderly Vulnerable people 4
Introduction The costs associated with providing traditional methods of assistive care to ageing populations is rising, and set to rise much further in the future. The applications of surveillance in residential care homes have been considered. 5
Introduction The detection of unusual patterns of behavior Anomalies indicate a requirement for intervention by a care provider. Developing a “transparent” model which is readily interpretable 6
Introduction Behavior recognition are largely based on learning time-series models of specific activities. The observation is about the behavior of a person in their home, and particularly that of an elderly person, is fairly sedentary. 7
Introduction A probabilistic spatial map of inactivity mixture of Gaussians (MoG) in 2 dimensional space Conjunction with Hidden Markov Model (HMM) framework 8
Introduction 9 Markov Model
Introduction 10 Hidden Markov Model
Methods 11
Methods 12 S. McKenna and H. Nait-Charif. Summarising contextual activity and detecting unusual inactivity in a supportive home environment. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 7(4):386 – 401, 2004.
Methods 13
Methods The probability of observing some trajectory end point x i is then given by : 14
Methods Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm E-step : the expectation step calculates the posterior probability 15
Methods Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm M-step : The model parameters are then re- estimated from the statistics of the training data 16
Methods Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm M-step : The model parameters are then re- estimated from the statistics of the training data 17
Methods 18
Methods 19
Methods 20
Methods 21 More sensitive Less sensitive
Methods The Hidden Markov Model Framework First : 22 Parameter normal sequences of inactivity events the inactivity map
Methods The Hidden Markov Model Framework Second : 23 Parameter inferred threshold model detect unusual sequences by comparing the model likelihoods over
Methods 24
Methods 25
Methods 26
Methods 27
Evaluation Filmed two sets of test sequences for each scene Comprised small variations on the scripted activities Displayed the types of unusual or abnormal behaviors 28
Evaluation 29
Conclusion 2D MoG model Learned using EM Build a pair of HMMs normal sequences of inactivity arbitrary behavior 30
Conclusion The advantage of the proposed system is not dependent on identifying specific activities is tolerant to small variations in normal behavior is unsupervised and having only a few configurable parameters 31
Thanks for your attention 32