Distributed Classification in Peer-to-Peer Networks Ping Luo, Hui Xiong, Kevin Lü, Zhongzhi Shi Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Presentation by: Satya Bulusu
03/27/2008 Overview Introduction Building Local Classifiers Distributed Plurality Voting Experimental Results Related Works Summary
03/27/2008 Research Motivation Widespread use of P2P networks and sensor networks Data to be analyzed are distributed on nodes of these large-scale dynamic networks Traditional distributed data mining algorithms must be extended to fit this new environment Motivating Examples - P2P anti-spam networks - Automatic organization of web documents in P2P environments A distributed classification algorithm is critical in these applications.
03/27/2008 Research Motivation contd… New Challenges - highly decentralized peers, do not have the notion of clients and servers - including hundreds or thousands of nodes, impossible global synchronization - frequent topology changes caused by frequent failure and recovery of peers Algorithm Requirements - scalability, decentralized in-network processing - communication efficient, local synchronism - fault-tolerance
03/27/2008 Problem Formulation Given: A connected topology graph Each peer owns its local training data for classification Local neighborhood change is informed to each peer real- timely Find: Classification paradigm in this setting Including how to train and use a global classifier Objective: Scalability, communication-efficient, decentralized in-network processing, fault-tolerance Constraints: Each peer can only communicate with its immediate neighbors The network topology changes dynamically
03/27/2008 Contributions from this paper An algorithm to build an ensemble classifier for distributed classification in P2P networks by plurality voting on all the local classifiers –Adapt the training paradigm of pasting bites for building local classifiers –An algorithm of (restrictive) Distributed Plurality Voting (DPV) to combine the decisions of local classifiers Correctness Optimality Extensive Experimental Evaluation –Communication overhead and convergence time of DPV –Accuracy comparison with centralized classification
03/27/2008 Overview Introduction Building Local Classifiers Distributed Plurality Voting Experimental Results Related Works Summary
03/27/2008 Building Local Classifiers Pasting Bites by Breiman [JML’99] –Generating small bites of the data by importance sampling based on the out-of-bag error of classifiers built so far –Stopping criteria: difference of errors between two successive iteration is below a threshold –Voting uniformly all the classifiers The more data on a local node, the more classifiers generated on it, the more votes it owns.
03/27/2008 Overview Introduction Building Local Classifiers Distributed Plurality Voting Experimental Results Related Works Summary
03/27/2008 Problem Formulation Of DPV Given: A group of peers in a graph would like to agree on one of options. Each peer conveys its preference by initializing a voting vector, where is the number of votes on the i-th option. Local neighborhood change is informed to each peer real-timely Find: The option with the largest number of votes over all peers: Objective: Scalability, communication-efficient, decentralized in-network processing, fault-tolerance Constraints: Each peer can only communicate with its immediate neighbors The network topology changes dynamically
03/27/2008 An Example Of DPV The third option is the answer.
03/27/2008 Comparison Between DPV and Distributed Majority Voting (DMV, by Wolff et al. [TSMC’04]) DMV Given: A group of peers in a graph Each peer conveys its preference by kainitializing a 2- tuple, where stands for the number of the votes for certain option and stands for the number of the total vote on this peer. The majority ratio DMV Find: Check whether the voting proportion of the specified option is above : DMV Converted to DPV: Replacing the 2-tuple on each peer with the voting vector
03/27/2008 Comparison Between DPV and DMV contd… DPV vs. DMV DPV is a multi-values function while DMV is a binary predicate. DMV can be solved by converting it to DPV. However, DMV can only solve 2-option DPV problems. For a d-option DPV problem, pairwise comparisons among all d options must be performed by DMV for times (Multiple Choice Voting [TSMC’04]). DPV finds the maximally supported option directly, and thus saves a lot of communication overhead and the time for convergence. DPV is the general form of DMV
03/27/2008 Challenges for DPV No central server to add all voting vectors, Only communication between immediate neighbors Dynamic change of not only the network topology but also the local voting vectors Supporting not only one-shot query, but also continuous monitor the current voting result according to the latest network status
03/27/2008 DPV Protocol Overview Assumption: –it includes a mechanism to maintain an un-directional spanning tree for the dynamic P2P network. The protocol performs on this tree (duplicate insensitive). –A node is informed of changes in the status of adjacent nodes. Protocol Overview Each node performs the same algorithm independently Specify how nodes initialize and react under different situations: a message received, neighboring node detached or joined, the local voting vector changed When the node status changes under the above situation, the node notifies this change to the other neighbors only if the condition for sending messages satisfies. To guarantee that each node in the network converges toward the correct plurality
03/27/2008 The Condition for Sending Messages contd… (5,2,1)+(2,0,0)=(7,2,1) 7-2=5 7-1=6 (8,6,1)+(2,0,0)=(10,6,1) 10-4=4 10-1=9 4 6 The differences between the votes of maximally voted option and any other option decrease. Message Sent
03/27/2008 The Condition for Sending Messages (5,2,1)+(2,0,0)=(7,2,1) 7-2=5 7-1=6 (8,4,1)+(2,0,0)=(10,4,1) 10-4=6 10-1=9 6>5 9>6 The differences between the votes of maximally voted option and all other options do not decrease. No Message Sent
03/27/2008 The Correctness of DPV Protocol All the nodes converge to the same result. The difference between the actual votes of maximally voted option and any other option is not smaller than what the protocol have sent. Then, all the nodes converge to the right result.
03/27/2008 The Optimality of DPV Protocol C 1 is more restrictive than C 2, iff, for any input case if C 1 is true then C 2 is true. C 1 is strictly more restrictive than C 2, iff, C 1 is more restrictive than C 2 and there at least exists an input case such that C 1 is false and C 2 is true. is the most restrictive condition for sending messages to keep the correctness of the DPV protocol. It is the condition, which is the most difficult to satisfy. In this sense, it guarantees the optimality in communication overhead.
03/27/2008 The Extension of DPV Protocol Restrictive Distributed Plurality Voting: It can be used in a classification ensemble in a restrictive manner by leaving out some uncertain instances. output the maximally voted option whose proportion to all the votes is above a user-specified threshold. The new condition for sending messages is based on the spirit of.
03/27/2008 Overview Introduction Building Local Classifiers Distributed Plurality Voting Experimental Results Related Works Summary
03/27/2008 Accuracy of P2P Classification Data: covtype (581012*54, 7 classes) from the UCI database, distributed onto 500 nodes
03/27/2008 The Performance of DPV Protocol Experimental Parameters Difference types of network topology: Power-law Graph, Random Graph, Grid Number of nodes: 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, option DPV problems Experimental Metrics The average communication overhead for each node The convergence time of the protocol for one-shot query
03/27/2008 The Performance of DPV Protocol contd… DPV 0 vs. RANK (Multiple Choice Voting) 500 nodes Averaging 2000 instances of 7-option plurality voting problems a and b are the largest and second largest options, respectively.
03/27/2008Ping Luo KDD 07 The Performance of DPV Protocol contd… The Scalability of DPV 0 Different number of nodes vs. communication overhead of each node
03/27/2008 Ping Luo KDD 07 The Performance of DPV Protocol (4) The Local Optimality of DPV0 Communication overhead and convergence time under different conditions for sending messages
03/27/2008 Overview Introduction Building Local Classifiers Distributed Plurality Voting Experimental Results Related Works Summary
03/27/2008 Related Work - Ensemble Classifiers Model Combination: (weighted) voting, meta-learning For Centralized Data –applying different learning algorithms with heterogeneous models –applying a single learning algorithm to different versions of the data Bagging: random sampling with replacement Boosting: re-weighting of the mis-classified training examples Pasting Bites: generating small bites of the data by importance sampling based on the quality of classifiers built so far For Distributed Data –distributed boosting by Lazarevic et al. [sigkdd’01] –distributed approach to pasting small bites by Chawla et al. [JMLR’04], which uniformly votes hundreds or thousands of classifiers built on all distributed data sites
03/27/2008 Related Work - P2P Data Mining Primitive Aggregates –Average –Count, Sum –Max, Min –Distributed Majority Voting by Wolff et al. [TSMC’04] P2P Data Mining Algorithms –P2P Association Rule Mining by Wolff et al. [TSMC’04] –P2P K-means clustering by Datta et al. [SDM’06] –P2P L2 threshold monitor by Wolff et al. [SDM’06] –Outlier detection in wireless sensor networks by Branch et al. [ICDCS’06] –A classification framework in P2P networks by Siersdorfer et al. [ECIR’06] Limitations: local classifiers’ propagations, experiments on 16 peers, only focusing on the accuracy issue, without involving any dynamism of P2P networks.
03/27/2008 Overview Introduction Building Local Classifiers Distributed Plurality Voting Experimental Results Related Works Summary
03/27/2008 Summary Proposed an ensemble paradigm for distributed classification in P2P networks Formalized a generalized Distributed Plurality Voting (DPV) protocol for P2P networks The property of DPV 0 supporting both one-shot query and continuous monitor theoretical local optimality in terms of communication overhead outperforms alternative approaches scale up to large networks
03/27/2008 Q. & A. Acknowledgement