PUPIL PROFILING ONLINE INTRODUCTION TO MerIT Resources – lined paper, 6 pieces of A3 paper, 6 coloured pens, homework diaries
What is MerIT? A safe, online area where you can store information on your progress in learning and achievements – a portfolio of your life! in S3 you will then use this to create your S3 Profile
What is the S3 Profile? A formal document which every S3 pupil in Scotland MUST complete by June 2014 A SUMMARY of your ACHIEVEMENTS in subjects, extra curricular activities and out of school activities - your LATEST and BEST achievements over the first 3 years of secondary
Why do I need MerIT? As a way of recording my progress and letting me see how well I’m doing As a way of showing others how well I am doing e.g. My parents To make it easy for me to complete my S3 Profile To make it easy for me to complete application forms to university, college and jobs when I am older
What do I record in MerIT? Achievements Curricular achievements (attainment) - can anyone give one example? Cross curricular achievements - can anyone give one example? School ethos and your activities and contributions - can anyone give one example? Personal Achievements - can anyone give one example?
What do I record in MerIT? Skills and Qualities When you are entering details of your achievements, you should try to think about and comment on the skills and qualities you are getting better at as a result of your achievements Activity 1 (10 mins) – what is a skill/what is a quality? Think, pair, share – talk to the person beside you, discuss what a skill is and what a quality is and then write on a piece of lined paper a ‘definition’ of both Discuss as a class and come up with a class definition for both a skill and a quality – write the agreed definitions into your homework diary
Activity 2 – Carousel – ideas for MerIT (15 mins) Form 5 groups – go to a station where you will find one sheet of A3 paper and a coloured pen – one person take charge of the writing - your teacher will tell you what title to write on your paper You have 2 mins per station to add your ideas of the things you can record on MerIT under that title After 2 mins move to the next station and TAKE YOUR PEN – read the previous group(s) ideas and tick if you agree, then add your own Stations: Curricular achievements Cross Curricular achievements School ethos Personal achievement Skills and qualities Now share as a class
Other ideas for MerIT First page - All about me page: Me, my family and friends – give information about who you live with, your best friends etc My interests – give information about the things you do in your spare time and what you enjoy most I am proud of – give information about your own achievements you are proud of and if you are proud of anyone else in your life Plans and ambitions – for this year and the future You should also upload EVIDENCE of your academic and other achievements e.g. Scanned in work you have scored a high grade in Test results Pictures of your work or your activities Videos of your activities
What next? After interval you will get a lesson on computers to allow you to start completing MerIT – your teacher will now give you a booklet and a letter with your password – write your password into your diary and also somewhere SAFE at home – we CANNOT change it HOME – you should note achievements in your diary/booklet each day and input into MerIT at home on a REGULAR basis – if you don’t do this it will take you hours rather than minutes to complete your S3 Profile You will get reminders at assemblies to do this Completing your S3 Profile This will be completed in school in May – put the date in your diary: Thursday 1 May period 3 and 4 This means that you MUST have completed ALL sections of your My MerIT before this date in order for you to complete your Profile – a letter will be sent to your parents informing them of this