S3 Craft & Design Kitchen Product Folio
Problem: A kitchen company (STMH) is designing a range of new kitchen utensils to ease common kitchen tasks. They are looking for you to design a product that will satisfy ONE of the criteria below. Be used to peel potatoes Mash potatoes Clean dishes (at the sink, with water and washing up liquid)
Research In order to complete the project you are going to have to complete research to show your client that you’ve thought about the problem. STAGE 1: Looking at existing products, your client STMH want you to investigate a wide range of products to discover if the higher cost equals greater quality. They suggest you do this by trying out products and conducting a user trial. For advice they have suggested that Miss McNamee will be able to offer different solutions to this…
Research Cont… STAGE 2: STMH require you to find out about the ergonomic considerations that are required when designing kitchen products. For this they suggest that you complete the Homework which focuses on internet and paper research. Again they suggest that you speak to Miss McNamee if you need more information on this task.
Research cont… STAGE 3: STMH are interested in the users and potential customers for their product. As such they have decided that they are going to issue an exercise to the whole class to allow the different designers to investigate the different people who would use the product. STAGE 4: STMH want you to present all this information on 3 sheets of A3 paper, with a border, your name and the title of your project displayed on the bottom left hand corner.
Generating a Specification From the information/research that you have gathered for the company, they wish you to write your own personal specification They suggest that the best way to write your specification is to list a serious of statements that your product MUST DO! STMH wish you to present a mind map with the 7 design factors on it, this is to aid your specification generation. Again they suggest that if you’re struggling with this Miss McNamee will be able to offer advice.
Initial Ideas generation STMH want you to try out different idea generation techniques and have asked Miss McNamee to give a lesson on different ways to generate ideas. Miss McNamee agreed and will lead the class in 4 different ways to generate ideas. STMH wish to see your idea generation techniques presented along with your 6 initial ideas. In total this section of your folio should be 5 pages.
Developing Ideas STMH wish you to select 3 designs to develop further. They think you may be biased as the designer and want you to discuss with Miss McNamee the three she thinks you should develop. STMH wish you to produce one page for each developed design (3 pages total)
Selection of the final concept STMH have again approached Miss McNamee and asked her to cover in a lesson a variety of methods for selecting the best concept. STMH wish you to produce on page on selecting your concept
Modelling of Concept STMH wish for you to produce a prototype of the model. They suggest using common materials found in your school workshop. Miss McNamee will be able to offer advice and suggest other strategies for making the prototype. The Prototype must be to able to be used and life size.
Presentation Drawing Because STMH are your client and you are trying to win their contract, they wish you to complete a presentation drawing showing your design to its best. Various ways can be used to this, 3D modelling on the computer, sketching and rendering, digital photographs, STMH suggest you consult with Miss McNamee to ensure the best presentation of your work…
Notes Miss McNamee and STMH wish everyone all the best for this project as the grade will count towards target setting evaluations completed by Miss McNamee It is suggested that any area of difficulties you have with the product, arrange to see Miss McNamee at lunch or interval. It is also suggested that you work on any feedback you got from previous folios to help you with this design folio.