The Nitrogen Cycle!!!! Lauren Gokey, Kat Chew, Connie Suh, Katie Husa APES, Period 5
General Information Purpose: The air is the major reservoir of nitrogen but organisms cannot use nitrogen in this form. The nitrogen must be in a “fixed” into organic compounds that can be taken up by the organisms.
Nitrogen Fixation Process where atmospheric nitrogen is converted to ammonia, then ammonium, which is the form organisms can utilize.. Certain bacteria (e.g. Rhizobium) fix nitrogen through metabolic processes Atmospheric, Industrial, & Biological Fixation
Nitrification Ammonium produced by decomposition converted to nitrate. Bacteria gain energy & it requires O 2. Ammonium ions are positively charged; therefore, stick to negatively charged clay particles and soil organic matter.
Denitrification Oxidized forms of nitrogen (e.g. nitrate & nitrite (NO 2 - ) are converted to N 2 and, to a lesser extent, nitrous oxide gas. Anaerobic process carried out by denitrifying bacteria NO 3 - NO 2 - NO N 2 O N 2.
Ammonification the conversion of organic nitrogen to ammonium (NH 4 + ) by the action of decomposers (bacteria).
Assimilation Conversion of nitrate to nitriteConversion of nitrate to nitrite reduction to ammoniareduction to ammonia ammonia is incorporated into glutamine and is reductively transferred to 2-oxoglutarate to form glutamateammonia is incorporated into glutamine and is reductively transferred to 2-oxoglutarate to form glutamate
Works Cited “The Nitrogen Cycle”. enCycle.html (9/19/08) enCycle.html “The Nitrogen Cycle: Of Microbes and Men”. 8 (9/19/08) 8 “The Nitrogen Cycle”. (9/19/08) “The Nitrogen Cycle”. le.html (9/19/08) le.html “Nitrogen Cycle”. encycle.html (9/19/08) encycle.html
PA.jpghttp:// PA.jpg. September 22, Nitrogen cycle. September 22, September 22, Ammonia in the Nitrogen Cycle September 22, The flow of nitrogen through the environment September 22, The Diversity of Life. September 22, September 22, September 22, Nitrogen Fixing Root Nodules. September 22, 2008/ September 22, NOAA, NASA Contractor for Satellite based lightning detection instrument. September 22, 2008