MGT Chapter 10: Managing Data and Using Graphics
The Power of Visuals Emotional impact Grab attention Report skimmers read Remembered longer than words
Using Graphics Effectively and Ethically Contribute to overall meaning Reinforce and supplement written or spoken words Communicate ideas that cannot be conveyed effectively in written form Have a simple, effective design that is easy to understand Depict information honestly A graphic should...
Using Analogies to Make Large Figures Meaningful When you find yourself communicating a big number -- the estimated $700 billion price tag on the nation's economic relief package, for instance -- ask yourself “What's it like?” When using analogies to clarify big numbers, make sure the analogy isn't actually more confusing than the original number itself.
Making Large Figures Meaningful Choose frequencies, not probabilities. People process frequencies (2 out of 100) better than percentages (2%) (Kaplan, 1986). Frequencies are effective because they: Demonstrate the importance of data. People weigh frequencies as more important than percentages when making decisions (Lipkus, Samsa and Rimer, 2001). Help people make better choices. In one study, faculty members and students at the Harvard Medical School made much better decisions when they received information about diseases and symptoms in the form of frequencies instead of probabilities (Huffrage, Lindsey, Hertwig and Gigerenzer, 2000).
Types of Graphics
Preparing Effective Tables Number tables _____________ Use __________ titles to clarify what is included Label columns ______ Indent second line of ____ _____ Place ___________ beside entry that needs explanatory note Document the ______ of data with a source note
Tables Source: On-level Physics
Basic Bar Chart Number of violent to strong tornadoes (F3-F5) in the U.S. from (Muller, 2008)
Types of Bar Charts Grouped bar chart Segmented bar chart Pictogram
Effective Grouped Bar Chart
Segmented Bar Chart
Multiple Line Chart Climate & Carbon Dioxide the last 600,000 years as shown in Inconvenient Truth (Muller, 2008)
Preparing Effective Pie Charts Position largest or most important slice in __________ position Label each slice and include information about ____________ size Draw _________ to one or more slices for desired emphasis Avoid ___ formatting
Effective Pie Chart
Geographic Chart
Using Graphics in Text Introduce graphic, show it, then interpret and analyze When possible, position graphic immediately following text introducing it Avoid only restating what graphic shows; instead, interpret based on audience interest Use meaningful titles that reinforce the point talking titles
Discussing Graphics in Text: What To Do and What Not To Do Figure 1 shows preferences for shopping locations. About two thirds of the consumers preferred to shop in suburban areas rather than in the city. (See Figure 1.)
Discussing Graphics in Text: What To Do and What Not To Do As shown in Figure 1, about two thirds of the consumers preferred to shop in suburban areas rather than in the city. About two thirds of the consumers preferred to shop in suburban areas rather than in the city, as shown in Figure 1.
Basic Guidelines Start y-axis at zero Y-axis intervals are equal increments Use gridlines and labels for accurate interpretation Use bars/lines of equal width Avoid 3D bar charts
Questions to Ask Yourself Does the design cause false expectations? Is it truthful? Does it avoid implying something false? Does it avoid exploiting or cheating the audience? Does it hide or distort information? Does it deprive the audience of a full understanding?