IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusion Introduction Can you calculate percentages that people use daily? In this WebQuest, you will be working with these kinds of percentages. A percentage is defined as a rate or proportion per hundred. Which means, p% of a quantity is p/100 times as much as the quantity. The number p can be a fraction or decimal. If you need any help or feedback with this assignment, feel free to contact me by
IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusion Task To complete this WebQuest, choose one of the following by clicking on one of the highlighted options: Option 1: Basic Percentage problems. In this section, you will complete problems that deal with simple percentages.: Basic Percentage problems Option 2: Percentage change problems. In this section, you will complete problems about the difference between two different percentages.Percentage change problems
IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusion Process The steps to complete this task will be: 1. Choose an option from the previous slide. 2. Complete all problems that deals with the option you have chosen, using the links below to assist you. 3. Show all work and must be done in pencil. Click Here to go through a brief tutorial about percentages.Here Click Here to watch a video about percentages.Here Click Here to view some notes about percentages.Here Click Here to play an interactive shopping percentage game.Here Click Here to play an interactive percentage game about tipping a waiter.Here
IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusion Evaluation Needs Improvement SatisfactoryExcellent AppearanceWork is not neat or organized. Work is somewhat neat and organized. Work is neat and organized. CollaborationDid not use possible resources. Used some possible resources. Used all possible resources. Completion of Work No work is complete. Some work is complete. All work is complete. Follows Directions No directions are followed. Some directions are followed. All directions are followed. Correct Answers No answers are correct. Some answers are correct. All answers are correct.
IntroductionTaskProcessEvaluationConclusion In this lesson you have: Completed questions about the specific option you chose. Established a better understanding about percentages. Followed all directions to meet the standards of this assignment. Here are a couple links to extend this lesson: Hints to Percentages Information on Percentages
Basic Percentage Problems Give these different people help by completing the following questions: 1. At Carter Elementary, 20 students of the 50 fifth-graders were on the honor roll. Help principal Wilson in this situation. What percent of the fifth-graders were on the honor roll? Create a pie chart explaining your answer. 2. Joyce wants to know how much of her book she has read in a percentage perspective. If Joyce has read 60 of the 180 pages in her library book, what percent of the book has she read so far? 3. You are shopping and also wanting to save some money. The store sold dresses at 40% off. If I bought the dress for $55, how much did the dress cost originally before it went on sale?
Percent Change Problems Challenge yourself with these difficult questions. You can do it! 1. Salaries increased 3.5% this year. If I made $40,000 last year, what is my new salary this year? 2. Enrollments were down 12%. Last year’s enrollment was 2650 students. What is this year’s enrollment? 3. The cost of a printer dropped from $200 to $120. By what percent did the price decrease?