Bringing Hope Through Education
Started 1994 Grew over the years Focus changed from basic education to holistic education
40+ active volunteers Planned to disburse $1.1M 50 project partners Raised $750K
Streamlined New volunteer orientation Regular workshops Project processes Coordination DB Strong fund raising Going green
Northwest Giving Campaign Asha Marathon Wheels of Change Allgorhythms Geetanjali Asha WAH Sabeer Manhas Golf Tournament
Disbursed in 2005: $452,000 Expected to Disburse in 2007: $720,000 Financial Commitment for 2008: $1,100,000 Disbursed in 2006: $616,000 * 2008 numbers are estimates
Economically underprivileged urban & rural communities Children with special needs Children of sex workers Juvenile drug addicts Dropouts, children of migrant laborers Tribal communities, dalits, disaster victims …
* Percentages are based on funds disbursed
Started 2003 mostly by Asha volunteers Networking resource groups and spread their learning Yearly Conferences Regular learning workshops Two newsletters Experiment with alternative methods
Limited Asha wide involvement Financial constraints SAC Project processes need improvement Publicity and reach out has to broaden Getting student volunteers Diversity of volunteer base Site Visits
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