Living in the Freedom of Christ. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” G ALATIANS 5:1 ( NIV )


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Presentation transcript:

Living in the Freedom of Christ

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” G ALATIANS 5:1 ( NIV )

“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” R OMANS 8:1 ( NLT )

“No condemnation” means that God does not reject me when I sin “Yet now God in His gracious kindness declares us not guilty.” R OMANS 3:24 ( NLT )

“No condemnation” means that God does not reject me when I sin 2. God does not hold grudges “The L ORD is like a father to His children, tender and compassionate to those who fear Him. For He understands how weak we are.” P SALM 103:13-14 ( NLT )

“No condemnation” means that... 1.God does not reject me when I sin 2.God does not hold grudges “[Jesus] is able to understand our weaknesses. … Let us, then, feel very sure that we can come before God … where there is grace.” H EBREWS 4:15-16 ( NCV )

“No condemnation” means that... 1.God does not reject me when I sin 2.God does not hold grudges 3. God does not want me … “When our hearts make us feel guilty, we can still have peace before God. God is greater than our hearts.”1 J OHN 3:19 ( NCV )

“No condemnation” means that... 1.God does not reject me when I sin 2.God does not hold grudges 3.God does not want me …  to live with false guilt

“No condemnation” means that... 1.God does not reject me when I sin 2.God does not hold grudges 3.God does not want me …  to live with false guilt  to live with fear

“No condemnation” means that... 1.God does not reject me when I sin 2.God does not hold grudges 3.God does not want me …  to live with false guilt  to live with fear  to live with self-rejection

When I sin … 1.… God convicts me “When [the Holy Spirit] comes, He will convict the world of its sin.” J OHN 16:8 ( NLT )

When I sin … 1.… God convicts me “Peter’s words convicted them deeply.” A CTS 2:37 ( NLT )

When I sin … 1.… God convicts me 2.… I and others get hurt “Do not be misled. … You will always reap what you sow.” G ALATIANS 6:7 ( NLT )

When I sin … 1.… God convicts me 2.… I and others get hurt David: “I am the one who has sinned and done wrong. But these people are innocent … O L ORD … do not destroy Your people.” 1 C HRONICLES 21:17 ( NLT )

When I sin … 1.… God convicts me 2.… I and others get hurt 3.… God seems far away “So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness.” 1 J OHN 7 ( NLT )

When I sin … 1.… God convicts me 2.… I and others get hurt 3.… God seems far away “Restore to me again the joy of your salvation.” P SALM 51:12 ( NLT )

When I sin … 1.… God convicts me 2.… I and others get hurt 3.… God seems far away 4.… I limit my fruitfulness Jesus: “Remain in Me and I will remain in you … you cannot be fruitful apart from Me.” J OHN 15:4 ( NLT )

When I sin … 1.… God convicts me 2.… I and others get hurt 3.… God seems far away 4.… I limit my fruitfulness 5.… God disciplines me lovingly “My child, … don’t be discouraged when He corrects you. For the Lord disciplines those He loves.” H EBREWS 12:5-6 ( NLT )

Understanding the Differences P UNISHMENT versus D ISCIPLINE P URPOSE :to pay back for to correct and wrongpromote growth

Understanding the Differences P UNISHMENT versus D ISCIPLINE P URPOSE :to pay back for to correct and wrongpromote growth F OCUS :the pastthe future

Understanding the Differences P UNISHMENT versus D ISCIPLINE P URPOSE :to pay back for to correct and wrongpromote growth F OCUS :the pastthe future A TTITUDE :angerlove

Understanding the Differences P UNISHMENT versus D ISCIPLINE P URPOSE :to pay back for to correct and wrongpromote growth F OCUS :the pastthe future A TTITUDE :angerlove R ESULT :fear, guilt, security, confidence, bitternessjoy