Gallery Walk Social Progress 19 th Century
Essential Question Were the social reforms of the 19 th Century successful?
See Mean Matter SeeMeanMatter Draw what you see. Explain what it means. Explain how this slide answers the essential question.
1. Political Machines Political machines helped Irish immigrants gain jobs, but they were also a source of corruption. William “Boss” Tweed was convicted of stealing more than $40 million from the New York State senate
2. Industry Industry gave more jobs for more people but at the cost of hard work and low wages Progressives passed child labor laws to give children the opportunity to go to school
3. Conservation John Muir devoted his life to saving the environment He campaigned to pass the National Park Bill in 1899, establishing both Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks.
4. Nativism Nativists tried to block immigration by passing the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) and joining the American Protective Association to restrict immigration
5. The Jungle The alarming workplace conditions described in Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906). The FDA regulates health and safety standards for food produced in the U.S.
6. Prohibition Progressive reformers tried to ban the sale of alcohol in the United States by passing the 18 th Amendment, but gangs sold it on the black market. Prohibition ended when Congress passed the 21st Amendment in 1933.
7. Social Gospel The Social Gospel led reformers like Jane Addams to create hull houses to provide housing for low-income neighborhoods.
Reflect Were the social reforms of the 19 th Century successful? Format: –Write 1 paragraph –Topic Sentence –3 Concrete Details –3 Commentary Sentences –Conclusion Sentence