O The next Messianic prophecy in Matthew occurs in Matthew 2:1-8. O There is little doubt but that Micah 5:2, the passage Matthew references, is a direct prophecy fulfilled only in the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. O This was a well-known prophecy in the days of Jesus. O The chief priests & scribes have no trouble answering where the Messiah would be born. O The Jews of Jesus’ day knew that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Jn 7:40-43).
O The message of the Book of Micah is judgment upon Israel & Judah (1:1). O “Samaria”=Israel; “Jerusalem”=Judah. O But, while Micah prophesies both the Assyrian & Babylonian Captivities, he gives hope throughout the Book. O The immediate context of our prophecy: O In 4:1-8, Micah is giving hope—he speaks about the coming of the Messianic kingdom. O In 4:9-5:1, Micah returns to his theme of judgment—the Southern Kingdom will go into Babylonian Captivity (however, he does promise that they will return). O In the midst of this judgment, Micah promises that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem in Judah.
O The prophecy originally was a message of hope & deliverance. O Yes, God would punish the inhabitants of Judah by sending them into Babylon. O But, all wasn’t lost. O Not only would a remnant return to the land, but God would bring the Messiah into the world in Judah. O That is a great message of the Scriptures—God punishes, but He redeems.
O Does God punish people today? O How might God punish people today? O How does God redeem people today? O Does God give hope in the midst of tragedy? O How?
O In Matthew, the prophecy in Micah is used to demonstrated conclusively where Jesus would be born. O That seems to have been the purpose of Micah’s prophecy. O God was giving His people signs whereby one could identify the Christ. O God wanted people to be able to “get” it. O There were unmistakable signs whereby people were to be able to identify the Messiah. O God wanted people to know who Jesus was when He came into the world.
O How do we know the Messiah today? O What are some “signs” that point to Jesus as the Messiah?