Thomas Hobbes An All-Around Good Guy
Biography Born:April 5, 1588 Died:December 4, 1679 Grew up in England and attended Hertford College, Oxford. Took some interest in classic Greek and Latin authors, and became first to translate Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War from Greek to English Then lived in Paris and became more interested in philosophy.
Early Philosophy First interested in Man: things such as man’s sensations, as well as more social matters Believed that men were moved to enter society, which must be regulated so it men do not resort to “brutishness and misery” Returned to England and combined Human Nature and De corpore politico into The Elements of Law
Leviathan Written during the English Civil War Demonstrated the need for a strong central authority so that the evils of discord and civil war could be averted With no government (or a state of nature), every person would have a right to everything in the world This means a “war of all against all” (bellum omnium contra omnes), and lives that are “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short”
Later Life Hobbes worked in math and sciences with little success Others refuted a lot of what he published He suffered a bladder disorder, followed by a paralytic stroke It is said he uttered the following words before dying: “A great leap in the dark”