BZUPAGES.COM Fatima zain bit presented to :Sir Ahmed Tisman Pasha Fatima zain bit presented to :Sir Ahmed Tisman Pasha
BZUPAGES.COM Alternative Work Arrangements Beyond redesigning the nature of the work itself and involving employees in decisions, another approach to making the work environment more motivating is to alter work arrangements.
BZUPAGES.COM Alternative work arrangement Three alternative work arrangements are : Flextime Job sharing Telecommuting
BZUPAGES.COM Flextime A work schedule with variable starting and ending times, within limits set by one’s manager. Employees still work the same number of scheduled hours as they would under a traditional arrangements.
BZUPAGES.COM Cont…….. Today organizations in several countries are offering flextime options to their employees because of the benefits it offers. Flexibility has enhanced the bottom line.
BZUPAGES.COM Example… IBM has made flexibility “a business imperative.” both men and women to work from home and are better able to response to customers’ need and gain control of their lives, leading to superior performance. 42% of the people working are Mobile workers. Furthermore, staff surveys shows that personal productivity and effectiveness has improved significantly.
BZUPAGES.COM Advantages Most of the performance stacks up favorably. It reduces absenteeism and frequently improves worker productivity. Employees can schedule their work hours to align with personal demands, which also reduces tardiness and absence.
BZUPAGES.COM Drawbacks But it also has some drawbacks: Major drawback is ; it is not applicable for every job. Works where employee interaction with people outside the department is limited. Not a viable option for receptionist,sales person or similar job for comprehensive service required.
BZUPAGES.COM An arrangement in which two or more part- time employees shares the responsibilities of one full-time at a pro-rate salary. An arrangement in which two or more part- time employees shares the responsibilities of one full-time at a pro-rate salary.
BZUPAGES.COM Job sharing In other words,two or more persons splits a 40-hour-a week job. For example,one person might perform the job from 8 am to noon, while another performs the same job from 1pm to 5 pm or the two could work full, but alternate days.
BZUPAGES.COM Cont…. About 31% of large organizations are offer job sharing to their employees. But it does not seems to be widely adapted by employees because of difficulty in finding the compatible partners to share a job and the negative perceptions of individuals not completely committed to their job and employer.
BZUPAGES.COM Advantages It allows an organization to draw on the talents of more than one individual a given job. It seems as a potentially humanitarian means for avoiding layoffs due to over standing. it increases flexibility, motivation and satisfaction. it increases flexibility, motivation and satisfaction.
BZUPAGES.COM Drawback It’s drawback is from management perspective is finding compatible pairs of employees who can successfully co- ordinate the intricacies of one job.
BZUPAGES.COM Telecommuting Regularly work at home or at an alternative worksite during port or all of a work schedule.
BZUPAGES.COM It might be close to the ideal job for many people. No commuting, flexibility hours, freedom to dress,few or no interruptions from colleagues. A closely related term “virtual office” used for these people.
BZUPAGES.COM Categories Three categories of telecommuting job: Routine information-handling task Mobile activities Professional and other knowledge-related tasks
BZUPAGES.COM Telecommuting Advantages Advantages larger labor pool Higher productivity Less turnover Improved morale Reduced office- space cost Disadvantages Disadvantages less direct supervision of employees Difficult to co- ordinate teamwork
BZUPAGES.COM Ability & Opportunity A way of thinking employees performance is as a function (f) of the interaction of ability (A) and motivation (M) that is performance=f(A x M).we need to add opportunity to perform (O) to our eq. performance=(A x M x O).
BZUPAGES.COM Cont… Why an employee not performing well ? Does an employee have adequate tools, equipments, materials and supplies ? Dose the employee have favorable working conditions,helpful coworkers,supportive work rules and procedures ? if not, performance will suffer !! if not, performance will suffer !!
BZUPAGES.COM Employee Involvement A participative process that uses the input of employees and is intended to increase employee commitment to an organization’s success. If we involve workers in the decision that affect and increase their autonomy and control over their work lives, employees become more motivated, productive and satisfied.
BZUPAGES.COM Cont…. Three major forms of employee involvement are : Participative Management Representative Participation Quality Circles
BZUPAGES.COM Participative Management A process in which subordinates share a significant degree of decision-making power with their immediate superiors.
BZUPAGES.COM Representative Participation A system in which workers participate in organizational decision making through a small group of representative employees.
BZUPAGES.COM Two forms of representative participation are: Works Councils Board Representatives
BZUPAGES.COM Works Councils Works councils are groups of nominated or elected employees who must be consulted when management makes decisions involving personnel.
BZUPAGES.COM Board Representatives Board representatives are employees who sit on a company’s board of directors and represent the interests of the firm’s employees.
BZUPAGES.COM Quality Circles A work group of employees who meet regularly to discuss their quality problems, investigate causes, recommend solutions, and take corrective actions.