The Superb :Allah has all pride and glory. He is beyond need and is without imperfection. He is beyond the qualities of what He has created. Pride,


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Presentation transcript:

The Superb :Allah has all pride and glory. He is beyond need and is without imperfection. He is beyond the qualities of what He has created. Pride, an exclusively godly attribute, must never be claimed by human beings. Allah hates proud people who elevate themselves above others. "Pride and glory are My garments, whoever claims them, I torture him.“ Punishment for pride in this life is spiritual blindness. And in the Hereafter they will be thrown into Hell. The Prophet, peace by upon him, said, "He who has in his heart the weight of an ant of pride will not enter paradise." A man then asked, "What if one likes to dress well?" The Prophet, peace by upon him, replied, "Truly Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty. Pride is to deny the truth and despise people". Lodge God in one's heart that is the best of states.