How to Keep Your Lab Journal
1. ON THE INSIDE COVER -Write your lab partner(s) name, home phone number, cell phone number, email address, aim name, home address, and their class schedule. -Basically everything you might need in order to contact them. -Also, in the upper right hand corner, write down your lab station number. Joe Schmo Lab:3 908-555-1234 h 908-555-4321 c jschmo-aim 24 Mockingbird Ln 1-Chemistry Rm 232 2-Chem Lab 3-English Rm 206
2. Number Your Pages -In the upper right hand corner, number the first 25 pages right now. -Do not number the back side of the pages. 1 Joe Schmo Lab:3 908-555-1234 h 908-555-4321 c jschmo-aim 24 Mockingbird Ln 1-Chemistry Rm 232 2-Chem Lab 3-English Rm 206
3. Table of Contents -Your Table of Contents should include the title of the lab and the page number in your journal where that lab begins. -Title the first two pages, Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents Title Page Safety Rules 3 Safety Map 4 Safety Equip 5 Instructions 6-10 LEGO 11 Joe Schmo Lab:3 908-555-1234 h 908-555-4321 c jschmo-aim 24 Mockingbird Ln 1-Chemistry Rm 232 2-Chem Lab 3-English Rm 206
4. Lab Safety Contract Staple the Lab Safety Rules Into Your Notebook. Onto Page 3 3 Safety Rules Folded in Half
5. Lab Safety Map Draw a map of the room and identify the location of all lab safety equipment that you see. Onto Page 4 4 TEACHER DESK
6. Safety Equipment List all of the safety equipment you just identified on the map, and explain its function. Onto Page 5 5 Goggles-eye protection Blanket-smother fire Etc……..
Stay on page 5 of your Notebook The following slides contain important information. Write down this information in your lab notebook on the back of page 4. Take notes on the left pages (class notes section). Put examples on the right pages (pre-lab section). If the left page contains notes, and nothing is written on the right page, draw an “X” through the right page. 8 Class Notes
How to Write? Example Prelab Entry EXAMPLE: 6 Date: 9/15/07 Partner: Suzie Que Title: How to Keep Your Lab Notebook Purpose: To investigate … Materials: (alphabetical) Safety: (see safety contract) Diagram: (not always needed) Class Notes How to Write in Lab Notebook Write all pertinent information on the RIGHT pages. Save the LEFT pages for special instructions or notes. Procedures Observations 1. 3 Tbsp of glue should be added to cup. None 2. 3 Tbsp of Borax solution should be added to cup. Sticky, gooey, slime formed. NOT EVERY LAB HAS A HYPO, I will tell you when to write one……
How to Write? EXAMPLE: 7 Data/Calculations: Class Notes -All entries into lab notebook must be made in ink, NEATLY (BLUE or BLACK ink ONLY!). NO PENCILS (EVER). -Use a ruler to draw any tables/charts. -If a mistake is made, cross it out neatly with a single line - DO NOT USE WHITE-OUT
REMINDERS 8 Class Notes -You must bring your prepared notebook to the laboratory or you will receive a zero on the prelab section (worth about 25% of total lab grade). -Only blue or black ink may be used, no pencil or different colored ink. No white-out. -No loose paper inside lab notebook.
Before the Lab: 9 BE SURE TO INCLUDE IN YOUR PRELAB: 1)Date 2)Partner 3)Title 4)Purpose 5)Materials 6)Safety 7)Diagram 8)Procedures/ Observations 9)Data/Calculations Class Notes EXAMPLE: SEE PAGE 6 Date: 9/15/07 Partner: Suzie Que Title: How to Keep Your Lab Notebook Purpose: To investigate … Materials: (alphabetical) Safety: (see safety contract) Diagram: (not always needed) Procedures Observations 1. 3 Tbsp of glue should be added to cup. None 2. 3 Tbsp of Borax solution should be added to cup. Sticky, gooey, slime formed.
During/After the Lab: 1) Fill in observation section. Class Notes 10 1) Fill in observation section. 2) Collect and record data in table. 3) If time permits, start calculations. 4) Consider the focus of lab questions. 5) If required, a formal typed of lab report that contains, in addition to what you wrote in your lab notebook, a typed conclusion (more info on typed lab reports to follow).