Cumbria Quality of Life Survey 2006 Copeland District Report.


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Presentation transcript:

Cumbria Quality of Life Survey 2006 Copeland District Report

2 Part 1: Key findings

3 Key findings (1) – quality of life The Quality of Life Survey findings show a considerable degree of similarity between liveability and satisfaction in Copeland and in Cumbria as a whole. Nonetheless, there are some important differences:  Copeland residents are less likely than those County-wide to worry about being a victim of crime.  Residents in Copeland give higher priority to health services and job prospects than do residents in Cumbria overall. These findings are likely to reflect lower levels of satisfaction with hospitals and the lower proportion of people employed full-time than in other districts of Cumbria, with the exception of Barrow (source: 2001 Census data); and,  Lower satisfaction is evident with many local services and facilities (parks and green spaces, hospitals, children’s playgrounds, local train and bus services and leisure facilities for young people) among users of these services in Copeland than among users elsewhere in the County. Levels of satisfaction with the local area are relatively high in Copeland, with 86% of residents saying they are satisfied, a finding in-line with satisfaction across Cumbria as a whole.

4 Key findings (2) – crime and safety Concern about crime appears to be less widespread in Copeland than it is in Cumbria overall, with Copeland residents less likely to be worried about being a victim of crime than are Cumbria residents generally. 22% of Copeland residents say they feel unsafe outside after dark, which compares with around three in ten people nationally (British Crime Survey 2005/6). Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a key concern for Copeland residents, as it is for those in Cumbria overall – and two thirds do not feel well informed about what is being done to combat it.

5 Key findings (3) - participation A strong sense of community cohesion is evident in Copeland, as it is in Cumbria generally – two thirds of residents say they feel they belong to their community. However, residents in Copeland are less likely to say they trust most people locally and less likely to believe that people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area than Cumbria residents overall are. Half of Copeland residents believe people in their neighbourhood are able to influence local decision-making by working together, which is in line with figures for Cumbria as a whole. However, Copeland residents are less likely than residents in Cumbria overall to feel that they personally are able to influence local decision-making. Many Copeland residents are keen to have more of a say in Council decisions, with two in five giving this view, compared to around one in five residents nationally (source: Ipsos MORI research for the DCLG). It should be noted, however, that previous Ipsos MORI research has shown residents tend to ‘overclaim’ in terms of their actual willingness to get involved.

6 Key findings (4) - liveability In terms of what makes an area a good place to live, health services and job prospects are seen as more important in Copeland than in Cumbria overall, while low crime levels and access to nature are seen as less important. Satisfaction with hospitals among those using them in Copeland is lower than in the County as a whole, which may underlie the finding that Copeland residents perceive health services as a key aspect of quality of life. Furthermore, the higher priority given to job prospects is likely to relate to Copeland having a lower level of full-time employment than other district in Cumbria, with the exception of Barrow (source: 2001 Census). Liveability issues such as clean streets are an important driver of Copeland residents’ satisfaction with the local area – as they are for Cumbria residents overall. Dog fouling, litter and roads and footpaths being in poor condition are particular concerns for people in Copeland and may be priorities for the Council to address.

7 Key findings (5) – service delivery Copeland residents’ top priorities for improvement in their local area are activities for teenagers, job prospects and public transport. Job prospects, health services and shopping facilities are cited by a higher proportion of Copeland residents as in need of improvement than by residents in Cumbria overall. By contrast, other issues – road and pavement repairs and affordable decent housing - are seen as less in need of improvement than they are by residents County-wide. Broadly speaking, Copeland residents think service delivery in the local area is good. Satisfaction with certain local services and facilities – libraries and public toilets - is higher among users of these services in Copeland than it is in Cumbria overall. Satisfaction with some other services and facilities, however – the number and quality of parks and green spaces, hospitals, children’s playgrounds, local train and bus services and leisure facilities for young people – is lower among users of these services resident in Copeland than in Cumbria overall.

8 Interpretation of the data A sample, not the entire population of Copeland, has returned a survey questionnaire. All results are therefore subject to sampling tolerances, and not all differences between percentages are statistically significant. As a guide, when comparing Cumbria against the districts there needs to be a difference of 6 percentage points for that difference to be statistically significant. Data have been weighted to the known demographic profile of the area from the 2001 Census and to account for relative differences in the population size of districts. Where percentages do not sum to 100, this may be due to computer rounding, the exclusion of ‘don’t know’ categories, or it being possible to give multiple answers to that question. In this headline report, reference is made to ‘net’ figures. This represents the balance of opinion on attitudinal questions, and provides a useful means of comparing the results for number variables. For example, if 40% of residents are satisfied and 25% dissatisfied, the ‘net satisfaction’ figure is +15 points. Caution should be taken when making comparisons with national data such as the British Crime Survey due to the different methodologies used.

9 Part 2: Liveability in Copeland

10 Quality of life (1) CumbriaCopeland QThinking generally, which of the things below would you say are most important in making somewhere a good place to live? % Top ten mentions Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 325 Copeland residents Affordable decent housing The level of crime Health services Education provision Job prospects Clean streets Access to nature Wage levels/cost of living Activities for teenagers Public transport

11 Quality of life (2) Cumbria Copeland QThinking generally, which of the things below would you say are most important in making somewhere a good place to live? Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 325 Copeland residents; 1,137 BVPI residents Affordable decent housing The level of crime Health services Education provision Job prospects Clean streets Access to nature Wage levels/cost of living Activities for teenagers Public transport 2003/04 Cumbria BVPI

12 Improvements to local area Cumbria Copeland QAnd thinking about this local area, which of the things below, if any, do you think most need improving? % Top ten mentions Activities for teenagers Job prospects Affordable decent housing Public transport Shopping facilities Road/pavement repairs Level of crime Clean streets Facilities for young children Health services 2003/04 Cumbria BVPI Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 325 Copeland residents; 1,137 BVPI residents

13 Importance vs. need for improvements Access to nature Activities for teenagers % Most need improving % Most important Clean streets Community activities Cultural facilities Education provision Facilities for young children Health services Job prospects The level of crime; Affordable decent housing Level of pollution Level of traffic congestion Parks and open spaces Public transport Race relations Road and pavement repairs Shopping facilities Sports and leisure facilities Wage levels and local cost of living Base: 325 Copeland residents

14 Sat % Not sat % Copeland869 Cumbria888 Satisfaction with local area Very satisfied Not stated Not very satisfied Fairly satisfied Not at all satisfied QOverall how satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 325 Copeland residents

15 QOverall how satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? Satisfaction with districts ±% Net satisfaction Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland

16 QOn the whole, do you think over the last 3 years your local area has got better, got worse or stayed the same? Changes in local area Allerdale Cumbria Barrow Carlisle Copeland Eden South Lakeland % Better% Worse% Same Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents

17 Comments about local area QWhy do you say the local area has got worse? Most frequent responses: Environment (18%) Transport (11%) Crime and safety (10%) QWhy do you say the local area has got better? Most frequent responses: Community (4%) Environment (2%) Crime and safety (2%) Further responses:Local amenities and facilities (7%) Children/young people (7%) Housing and business development (6%) Community (3%) Other negative comments (7%) Further responses:Housing and business development (1%) Local amenities and facilities (1%) Other positive comments (2%) Base: 325 Copeland residents

18 Agree % Disagree % Gender Male1955 Female1349 Age Working status Working1355 Not working1948 Influence over decision-making (1) Strongly agree 1% Strongly disagree Neither/nor Agree Disagree QTo what extent do you agree with the following statements? ‘I can influence decisions that affect my local area’ Base: 325 Copeland residents Not stated

19 Influence over decision-making (2) QTo what extent do you agree with the following statement? ‘I can influence decisions that affect my local area’ Allerdale Cumbria Barrow Carlisle Copeland Eden South Lakeland % Agree % Disagree Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents

20 Interest in the Council and decision making I’m not interested in what the council does, or whether they do their job I’m not interested in what the council does as long as they do their job QWhich of these statements below comes closest to your own attitudes towards your district and county council? I like to know what the council is doing, but I'm happy to let them get on with their job I would like to have more of a say in what the council does I already work for, or am involved with, the council Don’t know/not stated Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 325 Copeland residents CumbriaCopeland

21 Involvement with Council Male Female Base: 325 Copeland residents QWhich of these statements below comes closest to your own attitudes towards your district and county council? All those agreeing with: ‘I would like to have more of a say in what the council does, and the services it provides’ Gender Age Working status Working Not working

22 QWhich of these statements below comes closest to your own attitudes towards your district and county council? All those agreeing with: ‘I would like to have more of a say in what the council does, and the services it provides’ Involvement with Council Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland

23 Part 3: Community and Safety

24 Attitudes to neighbourhood By working together people in my neighbourhood can influence decisions that affect their neighbourhood % Agree I trust many or most of the people locally I feel I belong to my local area % Disagree In my local area people from different backgrounds get on well together (e.g. race, disability, social group) QTo what extent do you agree with the following statements? Cumbria Copeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 325 Copeland residents Cumbria Copeland Cumbria Copeland Cumbria Copeland

25 Time spent on voluntary work Less than 2 hours 2-5 hours QIf you have volunteered during the last year, roughly how many total hours have you volunteered, on average, per week? 6-9 hours hours 14 hours plus Base: All those who say they have volunteered in the last year (117) ‘Volunteered during the past year’ Yes36% No59%

26 Fear of crime % Not worried % Worried QHow worried are you about being a victim of any type of crime in your local area? Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland

27 Having been a victim of crime QHave you been a victim of any type of crime in the past 12 months? % ‘Yes’ Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland

28 QHow safe or unsafe do you feel in your local area, i.e. the area within minutes of your home? Cumbria % Perceptions of safety in local area (1) Outdoors after dark ±% Net safe Indoors after dark Outdoors during the day Indoors during the day Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 325 Copeland residents

29 Perceptions of safety in local area (2) QHow safe or unsafe do you feel in your local area, i.e. the area within minutes of your home? ±% Net safe outdoors after dark Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland

30 Change in local area with regard to crime and safety QIn terms of crime and safety, do you feel in the last 3 years your local area has got better, worse or stayed the same? Allerdale Cumbria Barrow Carlisle Copeland Eden South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents % Better% Worse% Same

31 Anti-social behaviour (1) QHow much of a problem do you feel that the following are in your local area? % Not a problem% A serious problem% A minor problem Base: 325 Copeland residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated Noisy neighbours or loud parties Parents not taking responsibility for the behaviour of their children People not treating other people with respect and consideration People dealing drugs Teenagers hanging around on the streets People using drugs People being drunk or rowdy in public places

32 Anti-social behaviour (2) QHow much of a problem do you feel that the following are in your local area? People being attacked because of their skin colour, ethnic origin or religion People sleeping rough in the streets Abandoned or burnt-out cars Crimes against your property Deliberate rubbish/wheelie bin fires Door step crimes Base: 325 Copeland residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated % Not a problem% A serious problem% A minor problem

33 Tackling anti-social behaviour % Not very well informed % Don’t know/ not stated % Not well informed at all % Very well informed % Fairly well informed QHow well informed do you feel about what is being done to tackle anti-social behaviour in your local area? Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland

34 Effectiveness of the criminal justice system % Not very effective % Don’t know/ not stated % Not at all effective % Very effective % Fairly effective QHow effective do you feel the criminal justice system in Cumbria is in bringing offenders to justice? Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland

35 Part 4: Environment, Local Services and Transport

36 Environmental issues (1) QHow big a problem do you think the following environmental issues are in your local area? % Not a problem% A serious problem% A minor problem Dog fouling Rubbish and litter lying around Roads and footpaths in poor condition Pavements blocked by parked cars Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles Base: 325 Copeland residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated

37 Environmental issues (2) QHow big a problem do you think the following environmental issues are in your local area? Noise pollution State of the local river/stream Neglected or derelict buildings or land Air quality and traffic pollution The appearance or location of new developments Base: 325 Copeland residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated % Not a problem% A serious problem% A minor problem

38 Satisfaction with local services/ facilities (all residents) (1) % Satisfied % Dissatisfied QHow satisfied are you with the following services or facilities in your local area? ±% Net Copeland ±% Net Cumbria Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated Suitable housing Appearance of streets etc Libraries Fire/rescue services Hospitals GPs Number of parks/green spaces Quality of parks/green spaces Local primary schools5752 Opportunities for adult education3438

39 Satisfaction with local services/ facilities (all residents) (2) QHow satisfied are you with the following services or facilities in your local area? ±% Net Copeland ±% Net Cumbria % Satisfied % Dissatisfied Children’s playgrounds Public toilets Local bus services Local train services Local secondary schools Leisure facilities for young people Leisure facilities for adults Social services2824 Dentists-10-4 Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated

40 Satisfaction with local services/ facilities among users (1) QHow satisfied are you with the following services or facilities in your local area? Base: All users. Base sizes in brackets above. * Small base size ±% Net Copeland ±% Net Cumbria % Satisfied % Dissatisfied Libraries (199) Social services (38)* Fire/rescue services (14)* Hospitals (225) GPs (296) Number of parks/green spaces (187) Quality of parks/green spaces (187) Opps. for adult education (45) 68

41 Satisfaction with local services/ facilities among users (2) QHow satisfied are you with the following services or facilities in your local area? Base: All users. Base sizes in brackets above. * Small base size ±% Net Copeland ±% Net Cumbria % Satisfied % Dissatisfied Playgrounds (118) Public toilets (119) Bus services (118) Train services (133) Leisure facilities for young people (56) Leisure facs. for adults (99) Dentists (216)811

42 Forms of transport QPlease list your main form of transport for different journeys on a typical weekday: Pedestrian/cyclistCar/motorbikePublic transport Work Leisure Medical/ clinic Shopping Copeland (176) Cumbria (1,178) Copeland (306) Cumbria (2,202) Copeland (280) Cumbria (1,861) Copeland (284) Cumbria (1,830) Base: All those who travel. Base sizes in brackets above.

43 Work (174)Shopping (303)Leisure (250)Medical/clinic (253) Distances travelled QPlease list how many miles you travel for different journeys on a typical weekday: 5-8 miles3-4 milesUnder 3 miles Base: All those who stated how far they travel. Base sizes in brackets above. More than 8 miles

44 Work (244)Shopping (310)Leisure (269)Medical/clinic (281) Time travelled QPlease list how much time it takes you to travel for different journeys on a typical weekday: mins>15 minsNone Base: All those who stated how far they travel. Base sizes in brackets above mins 1-2 hours<2 hours

45 Part 5: Health and Well- being

46 Happiness % Neither/nor% Very unhappy% Unhappy% Very happy% Happy QTaking all things together, would you say in general you are…? Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland

47 Health % Fair% Very bad% Bad% Very good% Good QOver the last 12 months, would you say that on the whole your health has been… Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland

48 Disability Copeland Cumbria QDo you have any long term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do? QDo you think of yourself as a disabled person? Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 325 Copeland residents % Yes % No Copeland Cumbria Long term illness, health problem or disability Think of yourself as a disabled person

49 Smoking QDo you smoke cigarettes at all nowadays? % ‘Yes’ Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland Base: All who have ever smoked cigarettes, cigars or other tobacco products: 1,038 Cumbria; 148 Copeland; 179 Allerdale; 167 Barrow; 173 Carlisle; 205 Eden; 166 South Lakeland

50 QOn a typical day, how many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat? Diet 5+Less than 4 Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Copeland Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Eden South Lakeland

51 QIn an average week, how many units of alcohol do you drink? Alcohol consumption Male (Drink more than 21 units per week) Female (Drink more than 14 units per week) Base: 325 Copeland residents

52 Moderate exercise QHow often do you take moderate exercise? 1-3 times a week Every day 4-6 times a week Never Cumbria % Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 325 Copeland residents Moderate exercise Less than once a month More than once a month, but less than once a week

53 Vigorous exercise QHow often do you take vigorous exercise? 1-3 times a week Every day 4-6 times a week Never Cumbria % Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 325 Copeland residents Vigorous exercise Less than once a month More than once a month, but less than once a week

54 QHow much do you weigh? QHow tall are you? BMI FemaleMale Allerdale Cumbria Barrow Carlisle Copeland Eden South Lakeland Mean Base: All except pregnant women: 2,125 Cumbria; 324 Copeland; 372 Allerdale; 312 Barrow; 361 Carlisle; 387 Eden; 369 South Lakeland NB: Body Mass Index (BMI) calculated by dividing weight (in kg) by height (in metres) squared. Those with a BMI of 30 or more are classified as obese.

55 Obesity % Obese Allerdale Cumbria Barrow Carlisle Copeland Eden South Lakeland Base: All except pregnant women: 2,125 Cumbria; 324 Copeland; 372 Allerdale; 312 Barrow; 361 Carlisle; 387 Eden; 369 South Lakeland QHow much do you weigh? QHow tall are you? NB: Body Mass Index (BMI) calculated by dividing weight (in kg) by height (in metres) squared. Those with a BMI of 30 or more are classified as obese.

56 QWhich of the following best describes your sexuality? Sexuality Allerdale Cumbria Barrow Carlisle Copeland Eden South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 325 Copeland; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 389 Eden; 370 South Lakeland residents Not heterosexualHeterosexualNot stated/prefer not to say