Color Wheel includes primary, secondary, and tertiary colors
Primary Colors Red Yellow Blue These colors cannot be mixed; they are used to mix all the rest of the colors on the color wheel
Secondary Colors Orange Green Violet These colors are the result of mixing two primaries together
Tertiary Colors Red-Orange Yellow-Orange Yellow-Green Blue-Green Blue-Violet Red-Violet These colors result when mixing a primary and a secondary together Also known as ‘Intermediate’
Color an element of art with three properties: 1) Hue 2) Intensity 3) Value
Hue the name of the color, e.g. red, yellow, etc.
Intensity the purity and strength of the color such as brightness or dullness
Value the lightness or darkness of the color
Complementary Colors Opposites on the color wheel They compliment each other and work well in compositions Ex. Red and green, yellow and violet, blue and orange, red-violet and yellow-green
Split Complements Colors that are right next to a color’s complement.
Analogous Colors Means “similar or like” Sit next to each other on the color wheel Ex. Yellow, yellow- orange, orange, red
Warm Colors Colors that make you think of heat Red Orange Yellow
Cool Colors Colors that make you think of things that are cool Blue Green Violet
Tint add white to a color
Shade Add black to a color
Neutrals Black White Grays Browns Not found on the color wheel Results when mixing two complementary colors
White / White Light White light reflects color off of the objects we see. White light is the combination of all the colors of the spectrum; without it we would have no color.
Black the absence of color Without light to reflect color, we see black
Color Wheel You will be making your own color wheel in your sketchbooks using colored pencils. You are only allowed to use the PRIMARY colors. Each color must be labeled with its proper name. Each color must be labeled as Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary (Intermediate).