UCHECHUKWU PROTASE NNAJI Dr. Thron, Raymond Walden University Aspects of Environmental Health: Local to Global (PUBH ) Summer Qtr. August 11 th, 2013
Obesity is a dramatically increasing problem in the United States. In fact, data collected in early 2010 showed that more than 23 million U.S. children and teenagers in the age range of 2-19 years old were obese or overweight – a fourfold increase in the last few year” (Moeller, 2011) WHAT IS OBESITY
Changes in environment Depression Genetic Makeup – Family Lineage – Background In some schools, removal of gym, recess, and, recreation that keeps the body in motion WHAT CAUSES OBESITY IN CHILDREN
Lack of healthy foods to be obtained (Poor Diet) = Unhealthy eating lifestyle Lack of Physical Exercise at an Early Age Media Social Status WHAT CAUSES OBESITY IN CHILDREN CONTINUATION
Check His or Her Body Mass Index (BMI) through: Measurement Test Age Height Weight HOW TO DETERMINE A CHILD IS OBESE
CREATING LAWS TO CURB OBESITY Laws against selling of junk foods Laws that would require more selling of healthy foods in the schools, and eating of it in homes Laws that enforces restaurants, stores, in advertising the dangers of eating unhealthy and promoting ways to eat healthy
Increase consumption of fruit and vegetables, as well as legumes, whole grains, and, nuts Limit energy intake from total fats and shift fat consumption away from saturated fats to unsaturated fats Limit the intake of sugars Be physically active - accumulate at least 60 minutes of regular, moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity each day that is developmentally appropriate. (WHO, 2013) WHAT CAN BE DONE TO FIGHT THE CHILDHOOD OBESITY EPIDEMIC?
Move more…. Reduce ‘screen’-time to maximum 2 h a day Stop the bad habit of eating in between Financing preventive programs in at-risk groups Treating obese children is prevention of later obesity Having Intervention Programs CURBING OBESITY: PREVENTION AND TREATMENT
Increase the number of food retailers and restaurants with food options that are health related Reducing the percentage of children who like to engage in no leisure-time physical activity within the next 10 years Increase the percentage of children that engage in cardio also known as, aerobic physical activity with the intensity being at least moderate Increase the Nation’s public and private elementary schools in making it, a daily requirement for all their young ones – students to partake in daily physical education Increase the percentage of elementary school districts that, allow school recesses to be given on a regular basis FIVE MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES IN IMPROVING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AT AN EARLY AGE OF A CHILD THAT WOULD HELP IN CURBING OBESITY AMONGST THEM
Hive Health Media
American Hospital Association American Medical Association Center for Disease Control Community Leaders Community centers such as YMCA Get America Fit Foundation Governor STAKEHOLDERS
Guardians of a Child Local Department of Health Mayor Media National Childhood Obesity Foundation Public State Department of Health Teachers STAKEHOLDERS CONTINUATION
Social Marketing: Preventing Childhood Obesity: Seven Steps to Curbing Obesity: Curbing Childhood Obesity: Framework for Action: Childhood Obesity Rap: VIDEOS ON CURBING OBESITY
How to Prevent Childhood Obesity: Help Stop Childhood Obesity: 2DeqvXEhttp:// 2DeqvXE CHILDHOOD OBESITY PREVENTION - FITNESS FOR KIDS: Get Fit Friday #36: Stop Childhood Obesity: VIDEOS ON CURBING OBESITY CONTINUATION
Obesity is an illness that is conflicting a lot of people - young and old while it is steadily on the rise. This illness is finally now being recognized by the, American Heart Association (AMA) as a disease. It is time now that actions and ideas come together to find ways - solutions to curbing this it - better yet, eradicating it in its entirety!!!! CLOSING REMARK
Moeller, D (2011). Environmental Health (Fourth Edition). FOOD: Food and Health – Role of Obesity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. P Tanner, L. (2012). Junk Food Laws May Help Curb Childhood Obesity: Study. Retrieved from _n_ htmlhttp:// _n_ html Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2013). Obesity, Dietary Behavior, & Physical Activity Fact Sheets. Retrieved from Braet, C. and Winckel, MV. (2005). Curbing obesity: prevention and treatment. European Journal of Public Health 15 (6): doi: /eurpub/cki216 REFERENCES:
Marmitt, L. (2012). Adolescent Obesity. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute. Retrieved from Shape Up America (2006). Childhood Obesity Assessment Calculator. Retrieved from Mathews, LB., Moodie, MM., Simmons, AM., Swinburn, BA. (2010). The process evaluation of It's Your Move!, an Australian adolescent community-based obesity prevention project. BMC Public Health;10: 448. doi: / Sharma, M. (2006). School-based interventions for childhood and adolescent obesity. The International Association for the Study of Obesity. obesity reviews 7, 261–269. Retrieved from move.ch/dateien/dokumentation/Sharma%2006%20school%20based%20review.pdfhttp:// move.ch/dateien/dokumentation/Sharma%2006%20school%20based%20review.pdf REFERENCES CONTINUED: