Test marketing- the stage at which the product and marketing program are introduced into a more realistic marketing setting Test marketing provides the marketer with experience in testing the product and entire marketing program before full introduction TEST MARKETING
Firms test market when They are developing a new product after a large investment There is uncertainty about a product or marketing program Firms may not test market If the product is a copy of a competitor’s product If there is a high degree of management confidence To keep costs low TEST MARKETING
Approaches to test marketing Standard test markets Controlled test markets Simulated test markets TEST MARKETING
Standard test markets- small representative markets where the firm conducts a full marketing campaign and uses store audits, consumer and distributor surveys and other measures to gauge product performance Results are used to Forecast national sales and profits Discover product problems Fine-tune the marketing program TEST MARKETING
Challenges of standard test markets Cost Time Competitors can monitor the test Competitor interference Competitors gain access to the new product before introduction TEST MARKETING
Controlled test markets- in panels of stores that have agreed to carry new products for a fee Pros Less expensive than standard test markets Faster than standard test market Cons Competitors gain access to the new products TEST MARKETING
Simulated test markets- events where a firm will create a shopping environment and note how many consumers buy the new product and competing products. Provides a measure of trial and the effectiveness of promotion Researchers can interview consumers TEST MARKETING
Pros of simulated test markets Less expensive than other test methods Faster Restricts access by competitors Cons of simulated test markets Not considered as reliable and accurate due to the controlled setting TEST MARKETING
Commercialization- the introduction of the new product Includes When to launch Where to launch COMMERCIALIZATION
Product Life Cycle (PLC)– the course that a product’s sales and profits take over its lifetime. Stages Introduction Growth Maturity Decline PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE
When the new product is first launched Slow sales growth Little or no profit High distribution and promotion expense Attempts to build product awareness INTRODUCTION STAGE
When the new product satisfies the market Sales increase New competitors enter the market Price stabilizes or declines to increase volume Profits increase Promotion and manufacturing costs gain economies of scale Product quality increases New features Attempts to maximize market share Goal is to generate interest GROWTH STAGE
Long-lasting stage of a product that has gained consumer acceptance Peak sales High profits Many suppliers Increased promotion and R&D to support sales and profits Goal is to stress brand differences through advertising MATURITY STAGE
When sales decline or level off for an extended time, creating a weak product A company must decide whether to Maintain the product Harvest the product Drop the product DECLINE STAGE
To combat the decreased sales and public attention, companies often change their approach to sell a product Modifying strategies Market modifying Product modifying Marketing mix modifying DECLINE STAGE
Market modifying strategy- trying to increase consumption of the current product A company tries to Acquire new users Increase the usage of existing users Create new market segments DECLINE STAGE
Marketing mix modifying strategy- changing one or more of the marketing mix elements Companies edit Pricing Product promotion Distribution channels DECLINE STAGE