Key Stage 1 Calculation Methods Here at Tickton……
Addition The key elements: Starts very practically e.g. animals Adding single digits together Using a number line Adding on in tens Using a hundred square Adding 2 digit + 2 digit numbers – tens then units Informal written methods
Number bonds These play an important role: Number bonds to 10 Number bonds to 20 Multiples of 10 to 100
Subtraction The key elements: Songs Practical taking away Using set rings Taking away units on a number line Taking away tens on a number line Using a hundred square 2 digit – 2digit subtraction on number lines and 100 squares. Numbers over multiples of 10 e.g
Multiplication The key elements: Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s Practical counting of ‘groups’ e.g. Apples cost 2p. How much do 3 apples cost? Repeated addition – practical and drawing pictures. Lots of/groups of/sets of Using arrays – practical and through pictures.
Division The key elements: Find half – practical e.g. chopping and folding Find half of numbers e.g. half of 6. Find ¼ - practical e.g. chopping and folding Find ¼, ½, ¾ of amounts ‘Share’ and ‘group’ numbers 2 ways – share OR group – work practically Use fingers to count on Any left over = remainders
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