The Power of One By: Kelsey A Period 3
The Planning Process Identify your concerns Identify your concerns Set a Goal Set a Goal Form a Plan Form a Plan Act Act Follow up Follow up
Identify your concerns Work at a local food bank-to help package foods that will help starving homeless people Work at a local food bank-to help package foods that will help starving homeless people
Set a Goal I will volunteer 4 consecutive Saturdays for 3 hours at a time at the local food bank I will volunteer 4 consecutive Saturdays for 3 hours at a time at the local food bank
Form a Plan Decide which food bank I will volunteer at Decide which food bank I will volunteer at Contact Northwest Harvest to see the hours they are open Contact Northwest Harvest to see the hours they are open Ask what is necessary to volunteer (closed shoes, lots of layers, and hair tied back) Ask what is necessary to volunteer (closed shoes, lots of layers, and hair tied back) Plan on which Saturdays to volunteer Plan on which Saturdays to volunteer Write dates down on calendar Write dates down on calendar Call some friends to see who can come with me to document my volunteer time Call some friends to see who can come with me to document my volunteer time Drive down to Kent Northwest Harvest at 9:00 AM with friends and family on the first Saturday Drive down to Kent Northwest Harvest at 9:00 AM with friends and family on the first Saturday Sign in our names on the volunteer list Sign in our names on the volunteer list Wash hands and put on hair nets and gloves Wash hands and put on hair nets and gloves Take picture before starting Take picture before starting First task: Peel onions for three hours First task: Peel onions for three hours Take picture during Take picture during Take a picture after Take a picture after Sign out on volunteer sheet (12:00 PM) Sign out on volunteer sheet (12:00 PM) On the following Saturday drive down to Northwest Harvest at 9:00 AM with friends On the following Saturday drive down to Northwest Harvest at 9:00 AM with friends Sign in on sign in sheet at the front of the warehouse Sign in on sign in sheet at the front of the warehouse Wash hands and put on hair nets and gloves Wash hands and put on hair nets and gloves
Continued Take picture before starting Take picture before starting Given first task, start Given first task, start First: box apples for an hour and a half First: box apples for an hour and a half Take picture during Take picture during Change gloves Change gloves Second: get in assembly line and bag frangos for another hour and a half Second: get in assembly line and bag frangos for another hour and a half Take picture during Take picture during Sign out on the sign in sheet Sign out on the sign in sheet Take picture After Take picture After On the following Saturday drive to the Rainer Valley food bank in Seattle, WA with friends On the following Saturday drive to the Rainer Valley food bank in Seattle, WA with friends Sign in on sign in sheet Sign in on sign in sheet Wash hands put on gloves Wash hands put on gloves Take a picture before Take a picture before Get into groups of 6 and make an assembly line making sack lunches Get into groups of 6 and make an assembly line making sack lunches Take picture during Take picture during Move over to another station to weigh out dried beans Move over to another station to weigh out dried beans Place beans in bag when reached a certain weight Place beans in bag when reached a certain weight Staple the bags shut Staple the bags shut Place into sack lunches Place into sack lunches Keeping making sack lunches for 3 hours Keeping making sack lunches for 3 hours Take picture for after Take picture for after Sign out on sign in sheet (12:00 PM) Sign out on sign in sheet (12:00 PM)
Continued Drive to Northwest Harvest in Kent, WA the following Saturday at 9:00 AM with friends Drive to Northwest Harvest in Kent, WA the following Saturday at 9:00 AM with friends Sign in on sign in sheet in the front of the warehouse Sign in on sign in sheet in the front of the warehouse Wash hands Wash hands Put on gloves and hairnets Put on gloves and hairnets Take picture before Take picture before Decide which task to do: either package corn or bag rice Decide which task to do: either package corn or bag rice Choose which one: I chose to bag rice Choose which one: I chose to bag rice Walk over to the separate room to start bagging Walk over to the separate room to start bagging Go over to huge bin where all the rice is stored Go over to huge bin where all the rice is stored Grab a paper cup for scooping Grab a paper cup for scooping Scoop up rice in cup to place in plastic bags Scoop up rice in cup to place in plastic bags Tie plastic bag then put in box Tie plastic bag then put in box Put box on cart Put box on cart Take picture during Take picture during Bag rice continually for 3 hours Bag rice continually for 3 hours Take picture after Take picture after Sign out on sign in sheet (12:00 PM) Sign out on sign in sheet (12:00 PM)
Continued After leaving on the 4 th Saturday come home and document time and organize pictures taken After leaving on the 4 th Saturday come home and document time and organize pictures taken
Act Location of Volunteering: Location of Volunteering: -Northwest Harvest: West Valley Hwy. Kent WA, Ranier Valley Food Bank: 4205 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA Times/dates: Times/dates: -November 14 th 2009: 9 AM-12 PM -November 21 st 2009: 9 AM-12 PM
Continued -December 5 th 2009: 9 AM-12 PM -December 19 th 2009: 9 AM-12 PM Tasks completed: Tasks completed: -Peeled onions -Boxed Apples -Bagged Frangos -Bagged rice -Made sack lunches
Follow Up The first day we were given this leadership I pretty much knew what I wanted to do. I chose to work at the food bank because a lot of people are homeless and are deprived of food. I thought what a good chance to help those people in need. I was able to achieve my primary goal, which was to help the homeless. I volunteered four weekends in a row and worked 3 hours at a time, for a total of 12 hours of volunteering. I'm so glad I decided to do this because I got to think about other people and how much this would help them. This experience has helped me really appreciate what I do have. Most people take for granted the food that’s on their table, they don’t realize how the food gets there; which is through hard work. If their parents didn’t work and help supply the family, they would be in the same position as some of these starving people that show up to these shelters. If they were in these peoples’ shoes they would want volunteers to supply food as well. I'm really blessed to have what I have, and I feel by helping at the food bank I'm giving back to my community. What goes around comes around, if we help others when they are in trouble hopefully one day they will help us as well. I will most defiantly be going back to Northwest Harvest more often, this doesn’t end with this project.
After Like the hairnets? (;