The Values of Color By Hannah Fleming
Artistic Statement Color is a language. It’s one of the most fulfilling elements of our lives. It has the ability to attract our attention, and even change our mood. Color is often the first thing we notice and the last thing we remember. My goal is to portray these different moods and emotions that colors display, through both everyday and abstract examples.
“Artificial Selection”
“Unfulfilled Hope”
Pencils are our friends “Les Couleurs”
“Colorful Decisions”
“Apples to Apples”
Biography From and early age I have always loved art. I grew up as an only child, and art soon became my way to entertain myself. Paint, pencils, clay, I loved it all. However, it wasn’t until middle school that I found my interest in photography. In no time I was running around my neighborhood and taking pictures of anything and everything that caught my eye.