YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED Royal County of Berkshire Yacht Club YOSC Quiz Night Welcome to our visitors from:
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 1 - Where is the vessel wearing this ensign registered? Liberia - Monrovia
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 2 - What does SOLAS mean Safety Of Life At Sea 3 - What is an Isobath A line on a chart connecting points of equal underwater depth 4 - What sea area lies off the southern coast of Ireland Fastnet
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 5 - What does this chart symbol mean? Oil or Gas Platform
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 6 - You are steering 218 ° by your Compass. Your Compass Deviation is 8 ° E The Magnetic Variation is 10 ° W What is your True Course Course218 C Dev. 8 E Course226 M Var. 10 W Course216 T 216 Degrees
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 7 - What is meant by the expression “Soon” in a weather forecast? Within 6 to 12 Hours 8 - What is the location of the Coastal station Ronaldsway? Isle of Man 9 - What VHF Channel for Southampton VTS? Channel 12
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 11 - What colours are Safe Water marks Red and White
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 12 – Where would you find a “Gypsy” on a boat? The notched wheel on an anchor windlass 13 - Where was Nelson when he put a telescope to his blind eye and said “I really do not see the signal”? At the battle of Copenhagen on HMS Elephant
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 14 - What vessel shows these lights? Pilot Vessel
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 15 - What was the name of Sir Alec Rose’s vessel in which he sailed single-handed around the World in 1968 ? Lively Lady 16 - What are Mother Carey’s Chickens? Storm Petrels 17- Where did “Britain first at Heaven’s command” arise from? Out The Azure Main
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 18 – What is the meaning of this Flag Signal? I require medical assistance
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 19 – What is the most northerly point on the UK Mainland? Dunnet Head
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 20 - Who wrote the seafaring novel “Lord Jim” Joseph Conrad (Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski) 21 - What clouds are associated with thunderstorms Cumulo-nimbus
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 22 - What is the name of the turbulent shoal waters in the Menai Straits? The Swellies 23 - What is the name of the sandbank extending south from Eastney Point? West Winner
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 24 - What shapes are displayed by a RAM (vessel Restricted in Ability to Manoeuver)? Ball – Diamond - Ball
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED 25 – You are on passage from France heading North (000 ° ) at 4kt water speed. The tide is setting East (090 ° ) at 3kt. What is your Speed over the Ground (SOG)? 5 Knots For a Bonus Point – what is your Course Over the Ground (COG) within plus or minus 3 degrees 37 Degrees (accept 34 to 40 degrees)
YATELEY OFFSHORE SAILING CLUB AFFILIATED “It was the same last year when they arranged a rally and a dinner dance””