Age-related changes in children’s executive functions and strategy selection: A study in computational estimation Patrick Lemaire ∗, Mireille Lecacheur.


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Presentation transcript:

Age-related changes in children’s executive functions and strategy selection: A study in computational estimation Patrick Lemaire ∗, Mireille Lecacheur Journal: Cognitive Development Impact Factor: 1.686

Age-related changes in children’s executive functions and strategy selection: A study in computational estimationAge-related changes in children’s executive functions and strategy selection: A study in computational estimationAge-related changes in children’s executive functions and strategy selection: A study in computational estimationAge-related changes in children’s executive functions and strategy selection: A study in computational estimation

Company Logo Contents Abstract 1 Terms 2 Method 3 Results 4

Company Logo Abstract Third, fifth and seventh graders selected the best strategy (rounding up or rounding down) for estimating answers to two-digit addition problems.

Company Logo Abstract Data from three executive function measures (inhibition,flexibility, and task monitoring) showed that children’s skill at both strategy selection and execution improved with age. increased efficiency in executive functions contributed significantly to age-related improvement in children’s strategy selection skill.

Company Logo Abstract These findings have implications for understanding of age—related differences in computational estimation, strategy selection processes, and mechanisms of strategic development in children.

Company Logo Terms executive functions strategy selection computational estimation rounding up/down inhibition flexibility task monitoring age — related differences mechanisms of strategic development 执行功能 策略选择 估算 上调 / 下调(策略) 抑制 灵活性 任务监测 与年龄有关的变化 策略发展的机制

Company Logo Terms strategy efficacy An Einstellung effect strategy adoption executive processes optimal strategy selection mental operations working memory neuropsychological tests a dual-task method load 策略有效性 定势效应 策略选择 执行加工 最佳策略选择 心理操作 工作记忆 神经心理测验 双任务范式 负荷

Company Logo Terms retrieval strategy positive correlation cognitive flexibility mixed—design ANOVA homogeneous problems heterogeneous problems mediational effects semi-partial correlations hierarchical regression significant main effects 提取策略 正相关 认知灵活性 混合设计方差分析 同质性问题 异质性问题 中介效应 半偏相关系数 分层回归 显著的主效应

Company Logo Method Computational estimation task Procedure Neuropsychological assessment of executive functions

Company Logo

the standard Stroop Color task Excluded Letter Fluency Test (ELFT) Trail Making Test(TMT) inhibitory control monitoring cognitive flexibility

Company Logo result 3 result 2 Text in here result 1 Age differences in performance Age differences in strategy use The role of executive functions in age-related differences in strategy selection Results

Company Logo Age differences in performance

Company Logo Age differences in performance Mean percent errors and solution times(Table 2) were analyzed using a 3 (group: seventh, fifth, and third graders)×2 (strategy: rounding down, rounding up)×2 (problem type: homogeneous, heterogeneous problems)mixed-design analysis of variance (ANOVA). Mean solution times: Seventh graders were faster than fifth graders, who were faster than third graders. Mean percent errors: Analyses of errors revealed that children made few errors (6.4%), and there were no significant main or interaction effects.

Company Logo Age differences in performance Mean solution times: Participants answered more quickly when solving homogeneous problems than when solving heterogeneous problems.This difference was not significant for third graders,but was significant for fifth graders and for seventh graders.

Company Logo Age differences in strategy use Mean percent use of the rounding- down and the best strategy(Table 2) were analyzed using a 3 (group: seventh, fifth, and third graders)×2 (problem type:homogeneous, heterogeneous problems)mixed- design ANOVA.

Company Logo Age differences in strategy use Age differences in rounding-down strategy use: Participants rounded down more often on homogeneous problems than on heterogeneous problems. There was a significant main effect of age.Third graders rounded down more often than fifth graders;fifth and seventh graders rounded down equally often. Third and fifth graders rounded down equally often on homogeneous and heterogeneous problems,Seventh graders, however, used the rounding-down strategy more often for heterogeneous problems than for homogeneous problems.

Company Logo Age differences in strategy use Age differences in the best strategy use: Analyses of mean percent use of the best strategy for each problem showed a main effect of age and of problem type. There was also an interaction of age and problem type. Seventh graders selected the best strategy on each problem as often as fifth graders, and fifth graders did so more often than third graders.

Company Logo The role of executive functions in age- related differences in strategy selection Correlation analysis We conducted two separate sets of analyses: Regression analysis The second examined potential mediating effects of executive functions on age-related differences The first examined correlations among age, executive functions and strategy selection If statistical control of the executive function measures results in substantial attenuation of the age-related variance in strategy selection, it can be inferred that executive functions likely play a mediating role in the relations between age and strategy selection.

Company Logo Correlation analysis

Company Logo Regression analysis This analysis revealed some attenuation of the relations between age and mean percent use of the best strategy when measures of inhibition (Stroop) and cognitive flexibility (TMT) were controlled (attenuation 44%),but not when the monitoring measure (ELFT) was controlled (attenuation 11%).

Company Logo Regression analysis The proportion of age-related variance decreased significantly by 72% after controlling for executive functions when the three measures contribute to composite measure of executive functions, and by 56% when only the two correlated measures of executive functions, Stroop and TMT, contribute to composite measure of executive functions. This result suggests that age-related growth in executive functions contributes significantly to age-related improvement in children’s strategy selection.

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4. How to describe participant characteristics? What is the sample ? What is the research design? 5. How to manipulate or intervene the experiment? 6. How to make statistics and analyze data ? Company Logo