MTAC Workgroup 122 Full Service Implementation May 20, 2010
2 Agenda Welcome Progress Open Issues Next Steps
3 Progress Continued to Work Some Issues Task Groups 10, 14, 17, 18, and 19 Discuss Upcoming Changes November 2010 Release Full Service eDoc Compliance Verification Rules Full Service eDoc Verification Non-Compliance Process Full Service ACS Billing Analyzing Workgroup Charter
4 Open Issues MTAC 122 –Open Issues TG 10 -> What 3rd party business entity can update eDoc content. What mail industry business entity can view FS feedback data. Will put RITS and a home should be found for it in a future MTAC group if the industry still wants to work on. TG 14 -> Copal, reengineer copal trays to the copal bundle business model. Pay for the mail at the consolidator's site. Will put into RITS and indicate that it has been assigned to the PostalOne! User Group
5 Open Issues MTAC 122 –Open Issues TG 17 -> Once mailers submit eDoc is loaded into the P1 DB -> USPS needs to improve the performance time to display FS content on the dashboard for mailers and BME clerks to access. Charter is to establish performance "guidelines" for the complete "end-to-end" processing of the data from submission to view by the owner. The group has been working the actual performance improvement implementations. Will completed the identification of the guidelines in the next weeks. If group is need to continue to work the implementation will move to the new MTAC group
6 Open Issues MTAC 122 –Open Issues TG 18 -> USPS and mailers are jointly working together to resolve FS eDoc mail quality reports in MSTR. Will put RITS and a home should be found for it in a future MTAC group if the industry still wants to work on. TG 19 -> USPS and mailers are working together to improve the performance of verifying the bc uniqueness of small IMR piece range record. Will put RITS and a home should be found for it in a future MTAC group if the industry still wants to work on.
7 Open Issues MTAC 122 –Open Issues There are two open items and two new potentials on the issues list: Issue digit coded mail cannot go into NCOAlink. ACS and NCOALink do not use the same criteria for matching. We need validation from Jim Wilson or Lisa West that addresses with a 5- digit ZIP Code/barcode or with no ZIP can go through ACS and that there is always an ACS fee Issue PostalOne! design is requiring PQT/PDR and PQT/IMR updates be done in concert. Unable to update PQT independent of the FS files. This is passing massive amounts of data and creating excessive slow downs in passing the data (10- Aug fixed wording) Issue TBD – Many (specifically FCM mailers) are not seeing the Start-the-Clock information, how do I see this, how do I know where I am suppose to be seeing it from? Is there a list of Facilities that are suppose to be provisioning scanned information? Issue TBC – CSAs still have a lot of issues
8 Next Steps Sunset by the August 2010 Continue to Work Short Term Issues Close Out Open Task Groups and Issues Transition Open Items (Find Homes For Them) Complete Final Report Submit Notification to MTAC Chair Last Report Out to August General Session