Listing Other People’s Stuff Suggestions for sending out information provided by other organizations Emily Springer Regional Leadership Conference August 2014
Commercial Organizations Not sure? URL generally ends No distribution unless they are a sponsor/partner Most likely to be advertising as part of something else, such as a conference program or newsletter OK to buy advertising if section allows Should be relevant to AIAA and section goals and objectives, or at least neutral topics Job listings are OK, but negotiate a good deal! 2
Non-profit organizations or schools URLs end Sister organizations and local schools Free events – fine to distribute, often encouraged Events with a charge – probably fine Other products or services (including membership) – may be questionable, use your judgment 3
Non-profit organizations or schools (cont’d) Non-sister organizations or non-local schools Free events – fine and even encouraged if it would benefit our members or promotes the goals of AIAA (e.g., Engineers’ Week). Events with a charge – should not distribute. They should apply through TAC to have their event co-sponsored and then it will get listed in Aerospace America. Already co-sponsored – you can list the event in a newsletter, but if the organization wants more detailed information sent out, they need to go through AIAA HQ to purchase a mailing list. 4
A few last thoughts Always try to negotiate – your distribution is a valuable commodity. Get something in return, even if it’s just distribution to their list. People who check “Do Not ” should definitely not get any of this. AVOID! AVOID! AVOID! Political advertising Religious advertising Anything that in your judgment could harm the section’s reputation and credibility Not sure? Ask your staff liaison! 5