Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Wayne Brandt Executive Vice President.


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Presentation transcript:

Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Wayne Brandt Executive Vice President

Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? “ The state should develop strategies to increase the statewide average annual growth rate of commercial forest land to one cord per acre per year by the year 2015.” “Increased productivity from existing forest lands is imperative if the growing timber and non-timber demands placed on the state’s forest resources are to be satisfied.” Minnesota’s Forest Resources An analysis and recommendations for sustained Growth, use and environmental enhancement Report prepared by the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Forestry and Forest Products December 1989

Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Base Scenario Site Level Responses Increasing the wood fiber productivity of timberlands  Increasing Utilization  Increasing Productivity Regeneration to full stocking levels Site species matching Thinning and management to reduce pest damage Generic Environmental Impact Statement Study on Timber Harvesting and Forest Management in Minnesota April 1994

Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Recommendations  Increase wood and fiber availability, quality, and production from public and private lands while continuing to protect the environment.  Increase investments directed at improving state, county, and private forest health and productivity. Governor’s Advisory Task Force Report on the Competitiveness of Minnesota’s Primary Forest Products Industry July 2003

Where Have We Been Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Where Are We Today

Minnesota—Annual Total Growth of Timberlands Source: USDA Forest Service Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail?

Minnesota—Annual Mortality of Timberlands Source: USDA Forest Service Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail?

Source: USDA Forest Service Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Annual Growth on State and County Timberlands

Annual Mortality on State and County Timberlands Source: USDA Forest Service Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail?

How Do We Compare Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail?

Mortality per 100 Acres of Timberland (cords) 71 percent of mortality in MN Forests Occurs in Stands >50 years of age Source: USDA Forest Service Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail?

Net Growth per 100 Acres of Timberland Source: USDA Forest Service Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail?

Why Haven’t We Done More? Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Why Aren’t We Doing More? Will Forest Productivity be the Holy Grail?

What About The Social License to Practice Forestry? Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Activists & Ideologues vs. Public?

Do You Feel It Is Acceptable To Harvest Trees For Commercial Uses On Federal, State Or County Lands That Are Not Parks Or Wilderness Areas? Source: Mason- Dixon Polling and Research

Do You Feel It Would Be A Good Idea To Designate Land Primarily For Growing Trees That Will Be Harvested For Making Wood And Paper Products? Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Source: Mason- Dixon Polling and Research

Top Three Rated Sources As “Very Believable” For Learning About Environmental Or Natural Resource Issues Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Source: Mason- Dixon Polling and Research

Forest Productivity is Not the Holy Grail Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail? Known and Accepted Techniques and Tools Policy Support Public Support for Forestry Forest Productivity Is Not the Holy Grail?

Practicing Forestry to Improve Forest Productivity MAY BE The Holy Grail It’s Up to You Forest Productivity Will it be the Holy Grail?